CrossFit Open & Pregnancy

@janey84 I found out I was pregnant just before the open a few years ago. I definitely struggled to keep up and noticed changes pretty quickly which I expected bc it was my second pregnancy. Before my first, I really thought that I’d feel normal fitness wise until I was starting to show but that most certainly wasn’t the case. At the end of the last workout of the open, I shared with my gym friends that I was pregnant which definitely made it more special for me.
@mommamimi Yep, changes in stamina and my breathing are the biggest things for me. I’m feel fine until I get going then I feel like “ugh this is hell” 🙈
@janey84 I'm 19 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and did 24.1 with RX weight and modified the burpees to accommodate my belly bump. I did crossfit during the entirety of pregnancy #1 as well. Dumbbell snatches are one of the movements I'm really good at and 35lbs is very light for me, so keep that in mind. I finished in 11:35. I do get out of breath easily and this workout was challenging but I can't stress enough how important PACING is. I picked a pace for burpees that I could maintain with a struggle, but without having to stop. That's pretty much my plan for every workout. Plan and prepare to fatigue and get out of breath easily, and pick a pace that won't kill you. Some days you will show up and get crushed no matter what, and that's okay!!! Stay consistent and know that good days will come :) enjoy your pregnancy, and congratulations 🥰
@vickiegram Well done to you! That’s a great time. I tried stepping up into the burpees but I still felt so out of breath. I tried to pace myself but just got very tired quickly. In hindsight given my energy levels I probably should have sat it out but you never know until you try. I’m waiting to see the next workouts before I decide if I do them or not!
@janey84 I was pregnant during the Open in 2022. I had SO much fun doing it pregnant because there were no rules and I was just there for a good time. I had to modify everything because I was 28-30 weeks so I had a decent belly going and had started modifying most movements at that point. I think I only did the weights RX!

I actually did crossfit my entire pregnancy and honestly, I’d rather do my third trimester twice than my first once. I was constantly wrecked in my first trimester. Out of breath from doing nothing, anything that got my heart rate too high made me nauseous, I was beyond fatigued.. it was awful. I did a lot of low key EMOMs and strength work until 13/14 weeks when I started feeling semi-normal again. By 16 weeks I felt good to workout like normal.

All that to say, congrats and it’s normal to feel weird in your first trimester! Your body is doing a lot more work than it looks like, including making organs and a placenta from scratch!
@lynattechan Yes I’m definitely looking forward to that 2nd trimester glow-up 😅. I tend to carry big babies so by the 3rd trimester I always feel like a whale. But this is my first pregnancy as a Crossfitter so let’s see! X
@janey84 I’m 15w today. I wasn’t planning on doing 24.1 because I don’t want to slam my belly on the ground. I’m also incredibly nervous about this pregnancy so I’ve taken it very easy. I’ve been doing crossfit for 11 years and I love the open atmosphere. Last year I finished in the top 10%. I went to my gym with the intent to cheer and judge. I talked with my coach and she encouraged me to do it. I finished in 13:50. Not sure I will do the next workout but I will play it by ear. This one went well. I was able to go slow. I felt good…but definitely didn’t push. I will redo this one not pregnant some day!
@faray Well done you! How did you modify the burpees? I stepped up into them thinking this would help lessen the intensity of it but I don’t know if it made much difference. Just walking up a stairs these days is making me feel out of breath. I am also nervous about this pregnancy due to a late term loss a few years ago. In fact I’ll probably be a basket case 😭, so if anything I want to keep going with CrossFit for my mental health. Good luck to you and well done!
@janey84 I did them in a way I’ve never done before. Step back step up BUT I touched my knees to the ground first then gently lowered until my chest hit. I am not showing (that much anyway) so my belly is not in the way.

I have been pretty lucky in the pregnancy symptoms department but I was extremely fatigued until about week 13. But for some reason never had an issue with motivation to exercise. I do have to go much slower than I’m used to though and I do take frequent breaks in my day to day WODs. I go by feel but also watch my HR. I didn’t have my HR monitor with me for 24.1 but I’m sure it was much higher than I usually allow myself to go.

I am sorry about your loss. I’ve had 2 early losses myself which is why I’m trying to be careful. It seems like a hard line to walk. Exercise is good and in theory giving birth will be very physical so it’s best to be in shape and ready but what is too much? I haven’t quite figured it out.
@faray Hi all! Sounds like a lot of us are in similar places. Will be interesting to see what 24.2 looks like. I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2012, but this is my first pregnancy. currently 23 weeks along. I also have a very low lying placenta (is that tmi? lol) so have just been cautious.

For 24.1 I did step back into an incline push-up and an air squat instead of a jump. However I am still fine jumping, I found it as a way to regulate my heart rate. I didn’t take into consideration how sore I’d be from that many air squats :) I wasn’t super interested in doing what Annie did, but my coach was so kind and willing to set it up. To each their own.

I’ve decided to let my “ego” go and do what feels right. I actually did sign up for the official open and logged my latest score under foundations. Just proud of myself for keeping on!!! We can do it!!
@janey84 I am doing the open workouts, but just for fun and not submitting scores or anything. I'm 16w now and started crossfit at 7 weeks (I have a history with CF but had been out of it for a while). I feel like starting WHILE pregnant has been ideal because I think it helped me tone down the competitive side of things and I'm just really enjoying staying active while pregnant. My coach knew about the baby right away, and because I was just coming back there was less pressure to "perform" to my typical standard. For the open, I was excited to finish my heavily modified workout under the timecap! But I've given myself permission to not push as hard as I typically would. It did help after I was comfortable enough to let my gym friends know about the pregnancy for sure.

Don't be afraid to modify even in first trimester.
@janey84 I am 14 weeks with my second pregnancy. I worked out all through my first and it does get better. Once you hit the second trimester, your energy levels will come back. You HAVE to give yourself some grace or you will end up hating life. Your body is going through something amazing... you are growing a HUMAN! Fuel correctly and you'll be alright. Once everyone knows that you are expecting, everyone will look at you in awe and say "Wow, I could never do that pregnant!!". That exact thing happened to me when I announced. Everyone was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The next year or so are going to be life altering, and you gotta remember that you and your body are amazing. Listen to the queues your body gives you and once that sweet baby is born, get back to the gym and kill it as usual. When you come back after you have the baby, your cardio will feel great, but your muscles will tire quickly. You'll be back to normal before you know it!

You are amazing, mama! Keep your head up and don't stop going to the gym! I delivered my baby in 2 pushes because I kept going to the gym.