CrossFit Open & Pregnancy


New member
I’ve been doing CrossFit for 8 months and really enjoying it. I discovered I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, but decided to stay going as much as I could. I registered for the Open and told my coach about the pregnancy. I’ve been feeling good but would say I am fatigued. I’m around 8 weeks now. Anyway, barely made it through 24.1 with 7 seconds to spare! I just could not catch my breath so had to stop frequently. It’s annoying me so much. I know I would have done much better if I wasn’t pregnant. And then people in my gym were expecting me to do much better as well and they don’t know I’m pregnant!!! In hindsight the intensity of this workout maybe should have been one I sat out as I did have a little bleed afterwards and had to be checked out. I’m hoping 24.2 & 24.3 aren’t as brutal.
Any other pregnant athletes out there who care to share your experience?? X
@janey84 Not currently pregnant, but thinking back to my first trimester with and this workout would have been ridiculous! Your blood volume is increasing to 1.5 times its normal amount, so your heart rate is going to get jacked up much easier than normal (that was actually one of my first symptoms!) I recommend focusing on moving well and enjoying these workouts, and congrats!!!!
@turmoil77 Something to remember too is that during that first trimester, you are growing an organ (the placenta) as well as nurturing the fetus. It's a LOT of work to get an entire organ up and running. By the second trimester, the energy comes back since the placenta takes on some of the workload.
@janey84 I'm 28w. I was going to do a modified 24.1 (hang snatches, step overs and half burpees, obviously not logging a score because it's not the standards) but have been floored with a nasty cold unfortunately

While in the first trimester you don't have a bump in the way to worry about, the nausea, fatigue and breathlessness you get is no joke! I found my energy levels and lung capacity were much better in the second trimester and that's very common. Obviously had to modify to accommodate bump and stop certain things that gave me bad coning but definitely found training easier

If you're not already on r/fitpregnancy it's definitely worth a follow while you're pregnant, and barbell mamas Instagram and podcast are worth a follow/listen for adaptations as you go along
@janey84 I worked out throughout both my pregnancies, but definitely listened to my body. Be gentle with yourself. This is not a time to PR, push yourself beyond limits, etc.
@janey84 I’m also in my first trimester, just a week or so ahead of you! I wish I was able to stay consistent but my nausea and morning sickness have prevented me from doing so.

But, I’m competitive and we do an IM open at my gym - I modified to up-downs bc I wasn’t comfortable slamming my stomach into the ground 90 times really for more fear I would throw up. I think people are starting to catch on that I’m pregnant even though I haven’t told anyone but the coaches 🫣
@javahollins Fair play to you. The nausea and vomiting is no joke! Luckily I tend not to suffer with it. Same, I’m also competitive so it’s hard when that mindset doesn’t match your body’s ability. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy 🤞🏻
@janey84 I’m so impressed you did this workout in your first tri. I was dying at 8 weeks. Sick, nauseous, fatigued like I never have been before. I did it on Friday at 15 weeks and even that was more rough than usual. Looking forward to the next two workouts!!
@notthesameperson1991 Luckily I haven’t been nauseous. I’m useless when I feel or am sick so I definitely wouldn’t have attempted it. My main symptom is fatigue, but the energy in the gym kinda pumped me up a bit, but halfway through I think my soul left my body 🤣. Waiting to see what the next workouts are like. I might sit them out if I think it could be a repeat of that situation. I think it’s the least thing my body needs right now!
@janey84 I’m also in the first trimester and normally comfortably one of the top 10% of women in our box, I’m just looking forward to when I can tell people and be like “that’s why I tanked so hard in the open!”

I’ve done CrossFit for 4 years but never entered the open before, because I’ve either been brand new, pregnant, freshly post partum or injured. I’ll probably be too freshly post partum next year, so I thought fuck it. There will always be some reason why I won’t be performing 100% at my best, but for most of us the open isn’t about competing on a global scale, it’s about competing with ourselves in previous opens! And next time I do it I’ll 100% smash 2024 me!
@janey84 You not being able to catch your breath is a very, very clear sign you were going too fast. Listen to your body in pregnancy means something different from listening to your body during other stages of life but i’m glad all is going ok so far.

Have you been cleared for exercise going forward? Frequently those who have had early bleeding are higher risk and have additional exercise restrictions.

Edit: i worked out throughout my pregnancy and did prenatal specific programming, kept my heart rate below 140 (specific recommendation due to 1st trimester bleeding) and tried to keep to a conversational pace throughout