CrossFit or Oly Lifting? Lead me towards a path ladies!


New member
Hey y’all! I used to do a CrossFit style program several years ago at this point (like, 6 or 7) and haven’t lifted since but really miss it and feel very weak and out of shape.

The unaffiliated gym I went to back then didn’t do any gymnastics but I do like the idea of pull ups/ muscle ups/ handstands/ handstand push ups and pistol squats, which is why I’m considering CrossFit again. The gym near me has very good reviews and it sounds like good/ varied programming , but I just can’t get myself motivated / interested in the cardio heavy bits or AMRAPS.

There is also an Oly gym next to me, $50 more a month than the CrossFit gym for an unlimited membership, with coaches and frequent competitions and things that they really encourage.

I’m wondering which one would be better for me. I mainly want to lift and get stronger again and have been encouraged to do oly lifting because of my muscle related problems I have, but I also am not sure if I’m self motivated enough to learn the gymnastics bit of CrossFit on my own. (Don’t shame me, even if I want to know how to do something, I generally do better in classes, with guidance, etc)

Tips? Advice? Anyone been in similar shoes? Pros? Cons? Help me pick a path!

Also I’m not super worried about not getting cardio because I walk almost everywhere / rarely drive, and also have started cycling (although it’s winter now so less so…)
@jburd Based off what you said, start with Oly. You can always drop in to a box to get your CrossFit “fix.” And remember, fitness is for life. You can change your mind whenever you want and do what helps you feel your best!
@jburd I do both. Crossfit M,W,F, and my wife and I do lifting for Hypertrophy on Tues, and Thursday.

I would say if you are just looking to get strong and have a more defined physique. Diet and Lifting. This is what my wife does.

I, on the other hand, love the stretching, well-rounded strength, cardio gains, and camaraderie that comes with crossfit.

I do a lot of Dirtbiking, mountain Bikeing, hiking, and walking, and the overall fitness benefits I get from crossfit are a perfect crossover to make my hobbies more enjoyable and less exhausting.

Just look at what your goals are. If like my wife, it's about how you look and feel at the beach. Then I say stick to lifting.

If it's about being able to pull yourself up a rock while hiking. Or going on a challenging bike ride with plenty of strength and cardio, you will want some form of HIT training like Crossfit.
@jburd I do CrossFit so am biased, but if your only goal is to get stronger then it should be oly with a solid strength based progression programme behind it. I do CrossFit because I love the gymnastics/cardio/team sport side of it as well as the lifting. Its an all in one solution for me and always motivates me to get into the gym.
@jburd Oly will get you stronger and better at well... Oly.

I’m wondering which one would be better for me. I mainly want to lift and get stronger again and have been encouraged to do oly lifting because of my muscle related problems I have.

If that's your main focus I focus on that. You don't have to be locked in for life. Heck you can do CrossFit after 6 months or a year or whenever. I'd just focus on your main goal first and re-evaluate when you've made a lot of progress.

Tons of athletes switch back and forth between the two over time, and some CrossFitters compete in weightlifting meets too.

Alternatively drop in and feel the vibe of both and just stick with what you enjoy more.
@jburd I do oly in a powerlifting and oly lifting gym. I’ve previously trained in gyms that were affiliates but was never interested in CF. For cardio i bike.
I mainly want to lift and get stronger again

Getting stronger was the main reason why I decided to focus more on oly lifting than CrossFit.

I do like the idea of pull ups/ muscle ups/ handstands/ handstand push ups and pistol squats, which is why I’m considering CrossFit again

I recommend asking the gym you're considering about their programming and how often these movements are incorporated. Some gyms shy away from them, while others sprinkle them in but may not be enough for you to make significant progress.

Also ask about personal training sessions. One option could be to join the oly gym and book personal training sessions at the other to work on CrossFit gymnastics movements.
@jburd I’ve done both and since it’s harder where I’m from to find oly gyms I would definitely go with the oly gym. I’m not objective I think oly is way more fun.

CrossFit is great too and I used to do CrossFit but if I had the opportunity to learn with oly coaches with a team I would not hesitate 1 second
@jburd Personally I love both so I do both lol. Luckily my Crossfit gym is also an affiliated oly gym, so I can do both while only paying one membership cost.

I love oly but I think if I only did oly I would probably get bored. I love the variety that comes with Crossfit and that you are always challenged to try something new since there are just so many different movements you can work on.

If you really like working on the gymnastics movements, you probably aren't going to scratch that itch with just oly. But on the other hand if you don't want to do any cardio, then you might not actually enjoy Crossfit that much since there's always going to be a element of cardio in the workouts.

Are you able to drop in to some classes at each gym to try them both out and see what you like?
@khozaq I'm in this camp. I loved the gym I went to back in my home state because it was a blend of OL and crossfit type workouts but wasn't actually a CF gym. I did crossfit around 9 years ago but my body can't take how much I'd push it if I went back to a CF gym (too competitive for my own good).

I moved at the end of the summer and found an oly gym and then do metcon workouts at a small group training place. Best thing about going back home for a month, besides family and friends, is getting to go back to my old gym. I won't be where I'm at forever so hopefully I can go somewhere that has a similar set up. I really miss having it all in one place.
@jburd Been there! Started in CrossFit and then narrowed it down to Oly lifting.

CF was a great “gateway drug,” so to speak, since it exposed me to a bunch of different types of modalities, but I beat myself up a lot by doing 6 double sessions a week at one point. Oly lifting is still a lengthy gym session (1.5 hours is my average, but I can be there for up to three), but it’s less brutal on my body. Something about the whole pace of it has really tuned me into doing my mobility and accessory work way more than I ever did doing CF. I feel healthier and stronger overall doing Oly lifting than I ever did doing CF.

That’s not to say I don’t do metcons, I’m just more choosey and tend to scale a lot to not kill myself. I still practice bar muscle ups, crossover jump ropes, handstand walks, all that fun stuff…just with less of a focus on the time element and more on quality of movement/intended stimulus. Don’t think I’ve RX’d a workout in years haha.
@jburd I have had done CrossFit off and on for 11 or so years, during year 8 I started taking Oly more seriously and I LOVE it. Hired a coach etc. I moved to a new state and Oly really wasn’t within driving distance so I joined a box (this helped with making new friends in the area as well). I was never an amazing CrossFitter, average but I exceed in the strength portion and I liked pushing myself. I found better results body wise doing Oly. The last time I did CrossFit was 1.5 years ago and I moved again and now I’m doing more Oly, but I have a home gym now. lol.

So really just depends on your goals and what you like. The older I got over the years, the more CrossFit took a toll on my body. And I just love the way my body looks and feels when I do Oly.
I just can’t get myself motivated / interested in the cardio heavy bits or AMRAPS.

There's a whole club for people who like the oly lifts and accessory work but hate cardio and AMRAPs. It's called weightlifting. :)

Nothing is stopping weightlifters from doing pullups, pistols, etc. My coach programs pullups as accessory work pretty often, and I've been known to do handstands as part of my warmup (great for the shoulders and core). Better to do some skill work on your own (or drop in to occasional crossfit/gymnastics/etc classes) than sign up for a whole sport that you dislike 75% of.

Anyone been in similar shoes?

3 out of 4 members of the most recent women's US Olympic weightlifting team used to do crossfit and switched to weightlifting. Not to mention a significant portion of my (or any) weightlifting gym. You'll be in good company.
@jburd I’d vote Olympic lifting. CrossFit workouts just never excited me. And when things don’t excite me personally, I don’t show up. Sounds like they don’t excite you either?

I do Olympic lifting and aerial/pole. (So kinda like gymnastics.) There’s actually a lot of overlap in the conditioning. I do pull ups, core compression and stabilization, hip mobility, overall flexibility, etc in both. I don’t think you’ll feel anything lacking from sticking to just Olympic lifting.

I’m so jealous you have an active weightlifting gym so close!
@jburd I think you should give Oly lifting a shot. Since you’ve already done CrossFit you know how it functions and what you like and don’t like about it. I think you should give Oly lifting a chance. I think the more you try the more you can figure out what you like, and eventually come up with a program for yourself that is specifically tailored to you. Having access to those coaches will really help you not compromise on form as well. I think you should give it a shot!
@jburd In Oly you will still be challenged by things like pullups as accessory work, assuming they have quality programing. They won't ask for things like muscle ups, but pistols and other bodyweight gymnastics are part of it. I would say try out the oly gym and ask more about their programming.
@jburd I've done both, I picked Olympic lifting. Like you I just couldn't get into the AMRAP/heavy cardio workouts and I found I only enjoyed the lifting movements, so I picked those. I do my own cardio on the side but I really enjoy specifically working on my lifts