DEXA + Bodpod results 22 F/ 130 lb/ 5'5/ ~19% Bodyfat


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Hey everyone!

I was part of a study, and during the study I got my bodyfat analyzed via bodpod, DEXA, and TANITA electrical impedance step on scale. I am in the middle of a bulk (5lbs up since October 2016), so it's not the ideal time to measure, but oh well. Data is fun!

  • Bodpod: 18.4%
  • DEXA: 19.4% w/o head , 19.7% w/ head
  • TANITA scale: 27.2%
  • TANITA handheld (from year prior): 11%

As you can see, the TANITA electrical impedance scale is all over the place and a completely unreliable way to determine bodyfat (I mean, 11% and 27%!?!?). The DEXA and BodPod also have a decently large margin of error, with DEXA being potentially between -2% and 8% off, or -5% to +5% off depending on the study (In these cases, the % is a unit of measurement and not a %error of the bodyfat reading). The fact that the numbers came out close is comforting though, and I also would have visually guessed myself to be in the high teens.

Interesting things I learned from the DEXA
  • Even though I am a powerlifter (S 315/B 170/D 415), my bone density is very average (actually -0.1 below the exact average).
  • I am an apple shape, with my Android/Gynoid ratio greater than 0.8 (it was 0.81). I am not too surprised by this since I was an obvious apple shape prior to working out and had sticks for legs.. I am proud that I have finally progressed and put enough muscle on my legs that I visually appear less apple like, even though fat wise I am one. Adding mass to my legs was always my biggest struggle.
@kevin247 I'm just posting here to sigh wistfully at how beautiful and powerful you look. Body goals right there, I wish I looked half as good!
@kevin247 Is having average bone density a concern at all for you? (I'm pretty unfamiliar with what is ideal vs good vs a concern when it comes to things like that and training)

I want to get this data on me, it's so very interesting! Thanks for sharing
@kevin247 Thank you for sharing this! I love data aspect of fitness. I'm about your height and weight...but definitely not your body fat yet. I've been really interested in coughing up the money for a DEXA scan and while I had no idea the margin of error was that high, my goal is to lower my BF so I think I might get one next week.
@kevin247 OP you look fantastic! Thank you for sharing your results. Incredible how the TANITA results were so different. Also, your hair is amazing, as are your delts. Major inspiration for arm day.
@kevin247 Just curious- how accurate do you think your predicted TDEE is? This might seem naïve, but ~2200 seems kind of low looking at how crazy heavy your lifting!