DEXA Results | 1Yr Update: Progression is not Linear (29F/5’0/24.5% > 19.8% > 20.7%)

@lapinot I'm going to go against my usual advice here and say it may benefit you to start doing calisthenics-type training to get better at pole. Since you're lifting your own bodyweight, I think it may actually be more beneficial to start incorporating things like push ups, pull ups, bodyweight rows, handstands, etc as those strengths will translate to pole better than a big bench press will.
@lapinot You may want to check out r/bodyweightfitness

Try out the standard Recommended Routine, and see if it could work for you. It includes progressions in it, so you can get stronger using it for a while. That sub has lots of great resources, links to instructional videos, etc. It helped me realize how many muscle groups I could be missing/not targeting by doing a haphazard routine like: pushups, situps, chinups, squats and front plank. It also helped me realize why some yoga poses are super hard for me while others are quite easy, and why it doesn't match my partner's experience with the same yoga class/sequence.
@lapinot Gotcha, might be time to start working towards more difficult progressions of those then! And yeah, they can be done on parallel bars or a Smith machine or even TRX straps. Search "bodyweight inverted row."