DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

@122r This is so encouraging! I tend to fixate on the fact that my bminis borderline overweight at 5 3, 135lbs. I'm pretty muscular though, so I'm so glad too see someone else is in the same boat!! Keep lifting šŸ˜˜
@122r I don't have much to add, but thank you for posting this! I am very close to your size - 5'4", 146lbs, 38-28-38 - and I rarely see people with my size and build represented in the fitness community (at least compared to the more slender Instagram-model type). I am kind of speechless right now. All the things I complain about (my "big" arms, for example) look AMAZING on you and that makes me really appreciate my body more. My lifts are nowhere near yours (still trying to break the 100lb bench plateau) but you are great motivation to keep working! Do you have an Instagram or something? This is def the type of fitspo I could get into.
@jennbaby :) this makes me happy! My instagram is @trainhardpizzaharder. Not strictly fitness stuff, I post a lot of lifting videos but also cats/books/food/etc.

I don't like following a lot of fitness-instagram-model-types either, they generally don't post content relevant to my goals and yet somehow also make me feel bad about myself! I do like following other powerlifters, especially all the girls in my own weightclass who kick my ass. For other powerlifters around our size, check out megsquats (friend of mine who used to train at my gym, now has a pretty successful and awesome youtube channel!), ejanss, victoria.liang, jenthompson132 (basically the GOAT, benches 300+), alice_lifts... and many others I can't think of off the top of my head. But if you look at pages like girlswhopowerlift or search related hashtags you'll probably find a lot more great posts from strong women!
@122r Oh man, your before stats and situation are eerily close to mine... I've been "bulking" since mid January partially to get my period back, and although I have made some slight strength/aesthetic gains I haven't put on any significant weight (or resumed my menstrual cycle). I really do need to bulk moar. Reading this post is oddly reassuring, thank you for making it.
@truthseeker05 glad to help! Yeah, I had to stop weighing myself for awhile and basically just stuck to some daily meals I knew would add up to 2500ish plus whatever snacks I wanted. In the years since I've started tracking more closely, but I'm less emotionally affected by the numbers now.

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