DEXA + RMR test results for a 5'9" 32F 136ish lb female


New member
Test result screenshots and pics of me within a couple days of the tests

Estimated myself to be 22-25% body fat, actual was 18.3% (the lady giving me results said 18.2% so I'm not sure if the extra .1% is rounded up from the .003lb of visceral fat but the report I received said 18.3%). Weighed in at 139lbs during the test but this was a wet weight, I am lower in the evening (~136lbs) before I eat for the day.

Estimated I burned 1750cal at rest, actual was 2287 (!!!!). This makes a lot of sense given my consistent progress while overeating on the weekends fairly often.

I have another competition 9/24 and scheduled a DEXA scan and RMR for a couple days prior. I have done a bunch of metabolism blood tests through Everlywell to check my free testosterone since I think I was able to successfully boost it through natural means, but each one did not have enough blood sampled to complete the test. Hopefully I can get my fingers to bleed more because I am oh-so curious what the numbers are. I was at 14.9pg/mL free T back in December. In theory you would need 100g of bull testicles to replicate the amount of test an adult male creates so taking 1.2g daily would only be a slight boost.

My protocol:


  • opti-women multivitamin (2x capsules daily)
  • fish oil (1000mg daily)
  • creatine (5g+ daily)
  • BCAAs (5g - 20g daily)
  • tukesterone (500mg twice daily - started 11/23/21)
  • bull testicles lmao (1200mg daily - started 5/25/22)
  • d-aspartic acid (2000mg daily - started 5/27/22)


  • calories in, calories out - weigh errythang, read nutrition facts and look for errors like says 0cals but also claims to have protein and carbs - go off macro values (4cal per g carb and protein, 9cal per g of fat)
  • typically in a 500-1000cal+ deficit M-F then eat to maintenance or a lil over on the weekend
  • prioritize protein, then fiber + micros and from fruit + veg
  • fill in the rest of calories with stuff that makes me feel like i'm cheating on my diet
  • shrimp, chicken breast, broccoli, cherries and berries are staples but i go through phases
  • getting ~250g protein most days but it's not necessary - law of thermodynamics would mean i put out more energy breaking down protein so there's some potential minmaxing going on here but i'm not relying on it lol
  • intermittent fast - sometimes for 24+ hours - but it's naturally how i eat (large meal / snacks at night, no breakfast or lunch) - doubt that i'm burning more fat in a fasted state but who knows - this is the only reason why i take BCAAs daily (prevent my body from eating lean mass for fuel) but i also drink black coffee, ACV, etc. that'll trigger an insulin response so likely not t r u l y fasted but w/e i enjoy it


  • i don't sit until evening if i don't have to - don't have back pain like i used to several years ago
  • 50lb weighted vest doing stairs at a lvl 9 - 10 for 35m if i do cardio at the gym, otherwise it's all weights/machines if i go to the gym (big if lol, been once since August 2021)
  • in a cut i'll do 25k - 35k steps on weekdays while working - probably have an addiction to my treadmill desk - but otherwise averaging over 15k a day, if i didn't i wouldn't be able to eat 2000cal+ and still lose weight
  • hypertrophy training - go to failure unless injury risk - rule of 8 (if i can do more than 4 sets of 8 reps i up the weight (including if the last set or two i only hit 8 reps but first ones are 10+)) my body needs to know i'm struggling to move some shit and it better grow or else
  • dance dance revolution - basically HIIT? idk adds a lil cal burn
@rapturetheory This great, im exactly the same height and weight.

im trying to loose weight and i cant, i eat roughly around 1400 calories a day, how do you eat so high amount without putting on weight?

i run 2x a week around 3-5k and lift lower body/upper split 2x per week.
@chasullivan Oh man, I find it hard to eat under 2000cal in a day because I am a huuuuge snacker. If I wanted to get more calories in I'd probably start by eating more fatty protein sources like chicken thighs and wings.
@rapturetheory Hot damn, this is some dedication to an art form. You do you! I'm near the beginning of my fitness journey, and have a lot to learn. I doubt I'm ever going to go for muscle competitions, but I would like a bit of lean bulk. I'm thinking of getting a dexa scan, and then one in maybe 6-12 months, but my trainer said she won't because of the radiation. What do you think? Also how do you fit that many calories into such a short eating window? (HOW!?)
@rapturetheory Very impressive physique! Thank you for sharing your details.

I'm curious about ways to get a little boost in T as well (without banned PEDs), but it seems like there aren't any studies or many women interested in the topic.

I tested mine and it was 9.1pg/mL, though this was right before my period. I've also found it kind of difficult to get a simple answer on how it fluctuates during the menstrual cycle.
@dynamitex 1) I want to lean out a bit more and continue growing my shoulders, back, and quads.

2) I would put it on the same level as creatine. I was able to consistently dig a little deeper and crank out that extra rep, but I didn't feel super energized or anything.

3) Not a full gym but I do have a decent amount of equipment I've accumulated over the years (little stationary bicycle, 150lb resistance bands, barbell with ~270lbs in plates, dumbbells, 18lb and 30lb medicine balls).
@rapturetheory Holy hell, woman, how could you ever look at those abs and estimate 25% body fat? 💪

On a more serious note, how do you mentally feel about your adherence to tracking food? Is it something that you have learned to live it, enjoy it, find yourself eating the same things over and over because you know how to track them, a fun challenge, or something else entirely? I know for me, I can only make it about 6 weeks of tracking before I’m mentally worn out by it.
@kuriosiesouschristos I hold most of my fat in my lower body and based on my fanny alone I figured I had to be low-to-mid 20s. I also watch Greg Doucette's videos on body fat percentages and saw that Nutty Foodie Fitness was ~19%, thought she looked leaner than me, and figured I must have a higher BF%.

I use Yazio to track what I eat and have found it to be pretty easy but I definitely spend some time checking macro accuracy when adding a new food because sometimes they are incorrect (you can submit corrections). It keeps all my staples in recents so searching and selecting foods I eat often only takes a second. Weirdly scanning things is the most annoying lol. I would rather search than scan a barcode and I don't know why. I go through phases with food where I crave the same things over and over, so thankfully the bit where I eat egg salad sandwiches three days in a row because it's easier to count doesn't bother me.
@maria37 I compete in a natural organization so no I am not doing TRT but I do take supplements that supposedly support test production or contain low levels of it organically.