DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

@marwils No way that you have 36% body fat. The last photo shows around 20%-25%.

DEXA scans are nearly as useless as scales for body fat measurement.

DEXA bf values are in average +/- 4% wrong (20% bf could be measured as 16% bf or 24% bf) and in some cases even 10% wrong (and this looks like such a case)
@inha As someone who is 5’10” female and around 22% body fat, I can tell OP has a higher fat percentage than I do because I have more muscle definition and less rounded thighs and upper arms. When someone is tall it just means there’s more places to hide the fat. She does not have much muscle and while she looks good the reality is that she has very little muscle so the amount of fat she has will make up a larger percentage.
@inha This needs to be higher up. I had this argument a while back and I was downvoted into oblivion. There is no 100% accurate test. Dexa had told some individuals they are NEGATIVE body fat. It is physically impossible to be negative body fat. Your body contains fat in place your veins, bloodstream, your brain and other places that you can’t lose it or else you would die.
@meldrum I didn’t use insurance, but they are usually eligible for HSA, FSA or HRA accounts. At the suggestion of my physical therapist and personal trainer I just bought a 2 pack for like $85 to do a baseline and progress comparison.
@lovemylord weight is irrelevant when determining if someone is obese. its simply a way to say you have more fat than you should. things like "skinny fat" exist. which is more dangerous than just being overweight. skinny fat usually exists because a person has very little muscle mass. so while they have a small amount of total fat the amount is a much higher percentage of their body weight due to lack of muscle mass. im not saying that is or isnt whats going on in this post but its actually more common than youd think.
@marwils I know this is late but these scans are incredibly accurate and consistent. My friend group of girlies gets one every month for the past few years and has never had an inconsistent reading. I will also say that the way your body looks matches the results as well. You don’t look overweight or fat by any means but you have very little muscle compared to your fat
@marwils So I talked with the dexa employee today and he said that everything “extra” in your body gets added on as muscle. So pee, poo, any metal, implants, food, whatever. So the body fat PERCENTAGE can be wrong. BUT the actual lbs in fat is always correct
@marwils Considering your current structure and if your labs are good, you are better off just aiming for how want to look and feel. You are far from being a large person in general, so as far as weight you are nowhere in close to being in a range of concern. Enjoy being healthy and fit 🙌