DEXA scan results 28/F/5'6.5''/135


New member
Hi All,
First time poster here...
I had a DEXA scan done and wanted to share the results, and also ask you guys, does this seem right to you? The results of the scan say about 17% BF, which is much lower than I was expecting. Here are the results and some pictures of me (bikini!).

I am 5'6.5'' and weigh somewhere between 134-138 depending on time of day, etc.

@coconutprincess Have you always weighed about the same? Did you cut or bulk to get to where you are?

I am about the same height as you, and am currently cutting, down to 148-149 from 160 last October. I figure we have about the same amount of lean mass, but I have at least 10 lbs more fat. I think I'm at about 25%BF now.
@pianoplayer927 I have always weighed about the same, I guess, I have been very consistent (give or take a couple pounds... I am actually up right now) for about 5 years at least, so, no bulking or cutting. If you want to know what my exercise/diet is like, let me know, I just dont want to bore you with a bunch of details you dont want! Congrats on your recent weight loss!
@coconutprincess Not boring at all. I'm Always interested in hearing how other people train/eat.

Thank you. The past couple of weeks have been tough (weight loss stalled) and I haven't been doing this long enough to know if this is something I should expect every month or two or not. I'm thinking yes, as my weight has come down again over the past few days.
@pianoplayer927 You know what they say about the last few pounds... I think if it's getting harder to lose that probably means you are on the right track/getting leaner.

I don't think I am doing anything really special in terms of exercise, BUT I am very consistent... I pretty much only miss weeks when I'm sick, otherwise I workout 5-6 days a week. I probably do about 1-1.5 hours of strength stuff per week, split into 3-5 shorter sessions... I don't have a lot of endurance for strength training but I really focus when I do it.. I mix it up a lot and favor bodyweight type exercises like planks, chin ups, leg lifts, pilates toe taps, these things:, kettlebell swings, but I do lift weights sometimes also. Something different all the time. I like cardio too and run ~15-20 miles/week, about 3-4 miles at a time. The strength training definitely makes me run faster. My daily job is fairly active too - no cubicle here.

Diet wise.. I have tracked for weeks at a time on myfitnesspal, and it ended up being 2300-2500 calories/day, something like 35-45% fat, 20-25% protein, 30-45% carbs. I don't eat a lot of meat, a little chicken or turkey, but thats as much an ethical/environmental decision as for health, I do eat plenty of fish, dairy and eggs. A LOT of veggies, some beans, nuts, oatmeal, a little bread, I'm careful about added sugars. Pretty healthy. I drink wine moderately, eat super dark chocolate every day, have a little ice cream not-rarely... So I'm no saint really.

Even though I'm not paleo, I like to peruse this website sometimes :
and I also like:

I'm not an expert though, and I could still improve in many ways (like core strength!). I hope some of this epic novel I just wrote helps you in some way!
@coconutprincess DEXA is extremely accurate, like 1-3% variance. I wish I could get one, but I have access to a bod pod for free so beggars can't be choosers. Also, the same body fat will look different person to person based on where you store fat, like if you have a lot of visceral fat (fat around organs) or not.
@coconutprincess Yo, thanks for posting! You're literally my goal! You look great.

I had a scan a couple of months ago and had 107lbs of lean body mass - I have 37%bf though, so my goal is 135lbs preserving LBM.
@coconutprincess Thank you so much for sharing this! It's so helpful to me to see what people look like at various body fat levels but I feel like I've looked all over the internet for a visual and find barely any pictures (or at least accurate pictures). You're looking awesome too btw!
@coconutprincess So funny, I had one too but I felt the opposite. Yours looks about right I guess. You have obvious muscle definition. I'm 5'4'' and 118lbs, and my DEXA said 27.5%. I was a bit surprised but I guess it makes sense. You can see here: The callipers read me at 24%, but I know that method can be wildly inaccurate.
@dawn16 Totally different fat distribution than OP -- you carry a decent amount in your legs whereas OP's legs are very lean for a woman. I'd imagine that's the major difference between the two of you, since your torsos definitely look similar.