DEXA Scan Results | 5'1" 56kg (123lb) at 21% BF

@robrog8999 No, I’ve actually never bulked before. I think when I start to plateau on all my lifts I’ll give that a shot... I’ll be honest the thought of gaining more fat is pretty off-putting considering how long it took for me to be at a place I’m comfortable, but I’ll just have to get over that and enjoy the extra food 😉
@ablessing2u I was a moderately active teenager, I used to bike to school/uni, play sports once a week and walk a fair bit. But I was never really interested in lifting until I started going to university. I didnt really know what I was doing, so I stuck to pin-loaded machines and did pretty half-arsed workouts about 3x a week. Once I graduated and started working full-time, being trapped behind a desk made me crazy. That's what really fueled my love for the gym, because it made me feel so much healthier and on the ball after I'd worked out. I saw a PT for a few weeks to learn the correct form for compound lifts, and since then I have been training solo and have never looked back.

I would say my most significant results have come in the last year. I got pretty bored with classic hypertrophy/PPL workouts and switched to nsuns which has completely revived my motivation and love for weightlifting. I moved away from a "4 sets of 10 reps" style of lifting to utilising lower reps, higher weights and testing 1RMs.

Here is a comparison pic of what I looked like last year vs. this year.
@emiles97 This is awesome and you look great! We are about the same height and weight so it was really interesting to see this. I’ve never done DEXA before (but planning on it in the future) but i definitely have a higher BF% so I’m trying to cut right now. How do you hit your fat macros? I do well in getting enough protein but I struggle with not eating enough healthy fats (and eating way too many carbs).
@veritasvii Oh gosh, well for me it’s easy because I LOVE fatty foods haha! So I like eating nuts or cheese for a snack, salmon (2-3x a week), and I use cream and butter when I cook. I always use full fat foods as well
@emiles97 I’ve struggled with my fat macros too, i guess because i’m still trying to un-train my brain that low fat foods are better so i started eating more nuts, eggs (cheap fat) and mackerel when i can squeeze it in my budget and it sure does help!!!

I’m prepping for midterm exams now so i’ve stocked up on mixed nuts for brain power hehe
@zenkai I'm also trying to eat more fat, but I hate it. I'm the kind of person that would prefer to eat a bowl of plain white rice than a spoonful of peanut butter though. I'm finding fish oil capsules help - three 2g fish oil capsules bump up my fat intake and I don't have to have as many foods I don't like so much.
@zenkai Yeah I also have to train my brain about that too! It’s kind of tough switching to full fat foods while cutting because they have higher calories but I’m hoping it will keep me fuller and also force me to just eat less junk.

Good luck on your midterms!!