DFW Hybrid


New member
Hi all. I’m 5’8, 175 lbs, 26 yo. Trying to get better general fitness with emphasis on strength and improving conditioning. Here’s what I’m planning:

3 day rotation:

Day 1: traditional DFW complex (C/P + KBFS)
Day 2: Pull Ups + Farmer’s Carry (same ladder sequence as DFW)
Day 3: conditioning/cardio

Mixing in additional core finishers at end of day 1 and 2.

Feedback/places to add/take away?
@rhenry I think that you could add pull-ups into DFW and do it for 35-40 minutes. If I had a pull up bar at home, that would be my first plan. That and The Giant with pull ups. There’s no reason not to press three days a week unless you’re crunched for time. Even then, I’d consider 2x5 or something.
@rhenry How many times have you run through DFW? It is a tested program that works. I would suggest you try running it as written once before trying something else.

Are you training three times a week or six? If the former, your program seems unlikely to offer enough stimulus in the press and the squat (training them only once a week) to show significant strength improvements.

Given the DFW workouts are only 30 minutes, if you want to include pull-ups or farmers walk or extra conditioning, why not just include an extra 10-20 minutes after each DFW workout to tackle those?

Good luck
@rhenry People recommend the DFW remix a lot but I'm actually dropping it in favor of the OG version. I'm pretty new at kettlebells and working 6 days a week just makes my shoulders and knees sore, plus, honestly, just grinding out a bunch of swings is really boring. For me, it seems overrated.
@dawn16 We're all coming from different places. At this point I want a lot more volume than what I can get from vanilla DFW. But there were definitely times when it would have been very hard to push myself further.
@kail For sure. You know reddit is, people latch into a thing like it's the gospel and sure, it's fine for some and less so for others. I'll get into better shape as time goes on, but looking at a lot of the workouts in MKM and such, they're almost all 3 day deals and so that's fine for me now. If the remix is working, work it.
@rhenry If you haven't looked at it already, I'd suggest looking at the DFW Remix workout (should be in the wiki). I think it would match pretty closely what you are trying to accomplish and is a more tried-and-tested workout.

Other than that, I don't think the core work at the end brings much value (if any). Your workouts will already work your core a lot, so this extra work at the end will most likely have poor form and very little value.
@rhenry Solid plan. However there’s some redundancy on Day 2. Both movements are essentially a pull in different directions. You could do other carry variations for a change. For instance, front rack, waiter’s, shoulder, or bear hug.
@rhenry Looks solid.

A few things:
  • Maybe you can incorporate core work as supersets for some sessions ; or as warmups. Using pushups as a finisher for your day 1 would be nice too. I would also alternate farmer walks with snatches (light and long sets) to hit different types of conditioning.
  • Running is harder, so more fun, right after a strength training session. If you have time, run at the end of day 1 or 2, and just do recovery work on day 3: mobility and/or something fun.
  • I think that with the KBs' light weight, farmer's walk don't get you far. Go asymetrical with suitcase carry, rack or waiter's walks, or the GOAT : bottoms-up farmer's carry.