Can barely do pushups solved!

@pastorjeff2u This is awesome! I have a shoulder injury that tends to flare up when doing push ups but I think seeing this video I've been doing my push ups all wrong. I'm going to try to keep my shoulders back and down to put less stress on my shoulders.
@john3344k There's nothing better then finding that form issue and then fixing it. You're able to do the excercise without having to worry about improper form, knowing you're doing it right
@hymnstofightcancer Thank you but I know it already...
The problem is I have been trying but I just couldn't
I don't have any strength in my upper body🙄
Is there any progression exercise that helps with the pushup?
I am just wanna do it....
I am hungry
@dawn16 Well tbh I'm not sure. Because as I already mentioned, he gets criticized a lot on reddit. I've actually noticed some of his claims contradicting others that he made in the past, and to be honest, I believe he is trying to reinvent the wheel too often by proposing many weird exercises which probably can be useful and do make sense in some way, but are not necessary to do at all and just fuel the confusion that many beginners have (due to all the different stuff you could do, all the different exercises one can choose from).
Apart from that, some things AthleanX says contradict a lot of the opinions in this subreddit.
How to perform the pushup for example: As already mentioned in this thread, Cavaliere advises to retract the shoulder blades throughout the whole movement (keep the shoulders behind the chest). I asked this subreddit about exactly that just 1-2 months ago, because the wiki advises to protract the shoulder blades at the end of the movement (bring the shoulders in front of the chest). Everybody answering to my question confirmed the wiki's claims and told me to protract the shoulder blades, therefore contradicting AthleanX's views. Another example is the dead hang in the beginning of a pullup: While the wiki and basically everyone on this subreddit advises to do it (relax every muscle in the back at the beginning/end of a pullup), AthleanX says it puts way too much stress on the joints and is therefore very dangerous.

I mean, Jeff Cavaliere is a famous coach and also a physical therapist, but I am not sure about a lot of his claims, especially since this subreddit contradicts many of them.
@fidelisenabsentis my physio therapist had us keep shoulders back, but at the top you roll your shoulders forward and flex your traps. this makes the pushups a lot harder. he said it was good for the shoulders...i had torn my rotator cuff at the time and it was helpful.
@koechophe It probably is for most people but for me anyway I have pectus excavatum. This makes my posture naturally hunch over, rounding my shoulders putting strain on them for most exercises. I usually account for this in my workout but I can't believe it went over my head all these years when doing push ups!
@pastorjeff2u the guy that does those videos is awful. it's worth noting that you could've also just regressed to doing pushups on your knees to build your strength and that could've let to proper form. His push up form is not correct as his arms are too far apart and he's not even locking out. May help your shoulder for now but doing them his way is making you weaker and it is incorrect.

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