DIY protein/health shake?


New member
Hey y'all,

I've been drinking Vega shakes (e.g., the essentials) and while I love them, they're expensive. Do any of you make your own DIY concoctions? What are your recipes and where do you get your ingredients?
@ticketwebsite It doesn’t help right now, but I use Slickdeals to set a deal alert for vegan protein powders & bars, then but whatever on steep sales. Over the past few years I haven’t paid more than 50% of the cost for my powders!
@ticketwebsite My recipe is: 1 cup unsweetened soy milk, 1 scoop (36 g) protein powder (mine is soy/pea/rice mix), 1 banana, 150 g frozen blueberries or strawberries, 50 g frozen kale

Macros are 370 cal, 36 g protein.

It’s not too sweet, so you can add sugar, maple syrup, or another banana if you need to make it less bland. You can also remove the banana for higher protein to calorie ratio.