Do I just accept that weight loss isn't linear before I yeet the scale out the window?

@annamarinewife That would only be like 100-200 kcal extra per day, maybe less if the pace is low.

I would keep going like you are, if the trend stays around 0.75kg mark for another week I would increase deficit by another 250 kcal and see if the weight trend adjusts accordingly.
@jesus111 Tbh I’ve been trying my best to keep them a good 10 hours apart and make sure that I utilize my rest days to rest from both

So for example I’ll be in the gym for 8:00am and have MMA at 5:30pm and I just make sure I eat and relax well in between. Tuesdays & Fridays are rest days from both so it’s usually quite alright.
@deigratiavivere You don’t believe how helpful and reliving this is lol! Yes I’ve been tracking super accurately on spreadsheets for the past 2 years now using a food scale and minimizing anything that would require guesstimation until the end of this cut.

Patience it is then lol.
@annamarinewife Don’t get to attached to your weight get more focused on the process. So yes weight lose and gain isn’t Linear A lot of factors goes into what the scale says body composition changes, water, digestive matter etc etc.
@livingme7 Oh there was an unplanned 2 month diet break due to travel where I managed to stay on maintenance.

Edit: During the 2 year weight loss I’ve not done more than 16 weeks at a time without a diet break so since I had a long 2 month diet break I decided to just bang out the rest of the journey in one to.
@annamarinewife You know what's the best way to reduce your appetite? Start a bulk. You will get so sick of food. I've been bulking for a year. I can't with food anymore. If I ate how I wanted, I would end up in a defacto calorie deficit. But I don't want to risk losing gains. I want to at least maingain if I quit bulking. Bulking is so time consuming and/or expensive as well. I also can't with oats anymore. Even stuff like cookies and snack cakes gets old when you're eating like 1,200+ calories worth to hit your carb and fat goals for the day. Forget about getting all your calories from steak, pasta and rice. My stomach can't.