Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?


New member
I go to the gym 4 days a week,let’s say I’ll be sick also for 4 days, and also let’s say its Sunday (our week starts at Sunday here), do I skip till Wednesday, go on Thursday till Saturday and and also continue to Sunday and Monday which will have 5 days immediately after each other? Or just rest the whole week and start normally from Sunday like any other week.

So how do you rest when sick (common cold/flue)? And how bad of an idea it is to go lift weights while sick?
@blueskies88 The whole week. I'm not a big enough dickhead to go get everyone else sick cus I couldn't stay home a few days. Also the body needs all it's energy and resources to fight the illness. It's just gonna be the shittiest session and a waste of time and energy.

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