Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?


New member
I go to the gym 4 days a week,let’s say I’ll be sick also for 4 days, and also let’s say its Sunday (our week starts at Sunday here), do I skip till Wednesday, go on Thursday till Saturday and and also continue to Sunday and Monday which will have 5 days immediately after each other? Or just rest the whole week and start normally from Sunday like any other week.

So how do you rest when sick (common cold/flue)? And how bad of an idea it is to go lift weights while sick?
@blueskies88 The whole week. I'm not a big enough dickhead to go get everyone else sick cus I couldn't stay home a few days. Also the body needs all it's energy and resources to fight the illness. It's just gonna be the shittiest session and a waste of time and energy.
@blueskies88 Please do not go to the gym if you are displaying any cold symptoms whatsoever. You are contagious with a cold/flu until the symptoms have completely subsided. I would recommend waiting at least a full 10 days after the illness started, before going back to the gym. Or longer, if your symptoms last longer than 10d.

If you're desperate for a workout between then, workout at home. There's lots of HIIT videos available online. :)
@blueskies88 If I am sick I do not risk spreading it to others regardless what my exercise routine is. I can move my body at home or walk if I have to have the movement. When sick make sure you are not contagious before resuming your gym schedule.

As far as what I do for my body with food and exercise I listen to my body. I stay well hydrate and I sleep but as far as food and exercise my body lets me know.
@blueskies88 If you’re done with symptoms, go back to working out you’re not infectious. If you’re still tired when you go, take it easy. Listen to your body, counting days is fruitless
@blueskies88 I take enough medication that I can function and try to sweat everything out. Cardio, light weights for 3X as many reps, kickboxing, anything I can do that would help my body
@trap121 Isn’t that a bad idea? I’d rather stay at home and let my body do its thing rather than taking much medication. Maybe workout at home or go normally, which also seems like a bad idea and I’ll get others sick like people have said.
@blueskies88 You're correct OP, this is very bad advice. Your body needs rest when you are sick, not to be pushed with a hard workout. Also, it's very inconsiderate to go to a public gym (or any public place) while sick. Don't listen to this commenter
@blueskies88 Sweat can help your body naturally heal because you're technically sweating out antibodies. You also don't want to have too much bed rest because you'll also start to develop muscle freeze, which can make illnesses and infections worse
@trap121 This is terrible advice, and your comment about "sweating out antibodies" is ridiculous and untrue. Exercise does help boost the immune system, and some very light exercise while sick with a head cold can increase blood flow - but "sweating out the cold" is a myth and is not possible. Additionally, pushing yourself too hard while your body is already in recovery-mode is a bad idea and may make you feel worse.

Please stay home while sick, going to a public gym while sick is extremely rude/inconsiderate. And please stop commenting false information / bad medical advice on reddit posts :)