Do you think your shoe size has a correlation with your ideal weight?

@rotlex 5'2, 176, size 9

Im big but proportional now and I wonder if my feet will look huge when I start losing fat. 🙃 Society has us think petite woman should have toddler feet LMAO
@rotlex Foot size is something genetic, I think. It has nothing to do with weight. Although your shoe size can decrease by half a size at least when you lose weight. I've lost 60 pounds so far and I lost a half size from 7-7.5 US to 6.5-7 US. I'm 4'11" and around 140 pounds.
@rotlex No? Lol. I have really small feet and a small frame as well, naturally pretty bird-boned LMAO. I honestly think my weight is fine in a range anywhere from like 105-140 which is just the healthy BMI range.

I’m thinking of my friends who have notably small and big feet and it doesn’t seem to correlate to their general frame size. Height yes. Build or frame no.
@rotlex I'm 5'2 and wear 5-5.5, essentially still in children's sizes.

I've no idea what an ideal weight is for me. I'm just aiming for 130lbs and then we'll see how it goes from there.
@rotlex Are you talking in terms of health or what looks best? Because there are a whole wide range of preferences from morbidly obese to anorexically thin in terms of "what looks best." So for your own mental well-being, if you just mean looks, don't worry about anyone else's opinion other than your own. In terms of health, it's more complicated. We know that typically, people within the normal BMI range have better health outcomes than the other categories. Does being a couple points into the overweight bmi range change this significantly? Probably not, but it's going to depend more on your body fat percentage, where you carry that body fat, how much muscle you have, your cardiovascular health, family medical history, bone density, etc.
@rotlex I’m 5’4”, 127lbs, with big boobs, however little UK size 4 feet and people always comment how tiny my hands are. I got called Skeletor once cos my hands are bony 😂

I definitely look more in proportion with my hands and feet now that I’ve dropped 25lbs. Before I was looking a little like Gru from Despicable Me 😂😂
@rotlex Yes- also a big feet member on a 5'3 body. I have short, athletic legs and a smaller upper body. Size 9.5/10 I think feet are bigger now on people. To be fair, though, my father is 6'3 and my mom is 5'2 so the genetic lottery is always a mixed bag. My mom is a size 6.5 foot - the only thing we didn't inherit!
@rotlex I’ve wondered this with ring size vs pant size. I know, ridiculous lol. BUT my fingers seem to not gain weight with the rest of me, so I guessed on my ring size based to match what my pant size was when I was healthy and active (4/5) and it ended up being dead on! Got sized for the first time a month or so ago and I’m 4.5. Now I just need more test subjects to prove my theory.
@rotlex 5'0" and I have normal size feet at 7.5. At my heaviest I was 230lb and lowest 127lbs. Lowest weight was very unhealthy for me and I had hormone issues. I suspect heavier bodies might have denser bones in the feet but I think genetics will play with size regardless of a person's weight.
@rotlex I didn't think I'm small footed but like slightly under avg in Western countries at least. I know taller women who wear my size, tho. I also know a taller woman 5'9 who only wears a size 8, which apparently is not the "norm. I'm 4'9 and a size 5.5-6.5 in US women's. I'm more of a 5.5-6, but I've grown increasingly flat I go from extra room because your feet widen when your arches drop.

I don't think it determines your ideal weight. It's like how if your kids have bigger feet, it doesn't mean they will be tall. But your theory is not ridiculous even if there isn't a lot of evidence to support it. Theoretically, bigger feet can support more weight, but I don't think it has a correlation with your ideal weight. This is just a case of genetic variation, my friend.
@rotlex It seems like it might be. If the bones and other tissues making up your feet are large, the bones and other tissues throughout your frame might have been "built" large by your genetics. I'm 5'2" and 102 lbs. with a size 4-5 shoe. My mother is also small-framed with the same size shoe. Also, if you were heavier as a child, it might have exerted greater force on your feet, kind of like how an athlete's bones get stronger wherever they have to absorb force (e.g., in the arms of a tennis player). This would definitely make sense for me because I got hemiparesis (similar to paralysis) on my right side as a kid, and my right foot is noticeably smaller.
@rotlex I feel like my feet are medium for my height. I’m 5’2”, weigh 120lbs and wear a size 7. My mom is shorter than me at 4’11” and she wears the same shoe size as I do.