@polcat Hi my diet is 4 eggs in the morning
1 chicken leg quarter and a breast quarter
With some vegetables and same thing for dinner
And i realsie when i used toeat nuts with it i would burn 2300 calories being alive and eat 2200 to 2300
But now i cut out the nuts and i was sedentary before and i lost 30lbs but noticed no fat difference
Im in the gym now and im doing 20 mins cardio on the ellliptical with a high heart rate and weight lifting
Will i notice fat difference now if i continue my diet
Because i burn 3300 when i exercise and i eat 2000 or 2100
Should i keep going,check my account for the pic of my body
I was 200 now 155 no fat difference 6'3 underweight now but still has fat ,kinda undeweright close to being to
I eat a high protein to build some muscle and low carb to burn some fat and used stored fat as energy and moderate fat
175gof protein
100g fat
30-35g of carbs