Don’t know starting weight to buy


New member
I’m looking to buy my first set of kettlebells and I’m not sure what weight to start with. I’m 24 years old 6’0” 200lbs I’ve worked out for a while before this but been off for about a year and half and I wanna get fit and healthy again. I think my strength is pretty average, maybe slightly above average as I work a job that requires some a good amount of heavy lifting. Any advice is welcome. Thank you!
@kingdomkid304 I'd just go to any sporting goods store that carries varied kb weights and pick them up. Whatever weight that you struggle to strict press overhead in 2-3 reps will prob be a good starting weight. Then go online and buy a competition style bell in that weight unless the store you went to already has them.
@kingdomkid304 I'd say 2 x 16 kgs you'll be on 20 kgs pretty soon but you can always do more reps with a lower weight for a bit. The risk is buying too heavy to start form suffers and risk of injuries, ideally get to a gym or store with kettlebells and just have a go f you can easily rep 6-7 shoulder press step up a weight.
@kingdomkid304 Competition adjustable and then you won't have to answer this question again for a long time.

I have 2x Bells of Steel.

I'd also consider Titan now based on the price.
@kingdomkid304 So im ~225lb and prior to starting kettlebells I had a bench in the ~260 range and a squat in the ~330-350 range (both used to be much higher but I havent been lifting consistently for a while). I think the answer here depends a bit on the program you want to do. I am doing the program outlined in armor building formula (Dan John's new book) and I opted to start with 2 x 20 KGs. I think these were perfect for the program im attempting given my relative inexperience with kettlebells. That said, if I was just doing low rep strength work with lots of rest these would be WAY too easy (although thats probably not the best use case for kettlebells lol).
@kingdomkid304 I bought a 20kg used KB and quickly realised it was too heavy for me.

Went and bought a 12kg KB from Decathlon to learn the movements on a lighter weight. A month later, the 12kg KB was just sitting and collecting dust because I'd learnt the movements and was comfortable using the 20kg KB.

So, I went back to Decathlon and returned the 12kg KB and got all my money back. They have a 3-month return policy (provided the product is in a condition that it can be sold again).

Maybe you can try this.
@kingdomkid304 I bought a 12-32 kg Bells of Steel adjustable as my first Kettlebell. I would recommend going that route as it allows you start out really light to get the movements down and you can make smaller jumps in weight rather than the 4 kg jumps you would with a normal kettlebell.
@ricwil I'm doing Simple and Sinister and currently have my 16, 24 and 32kg set out in a row every morning (well, 4-5x a week) for halos, swings and TGUs. The adjustable bells would have been a major pain for this type of progression.
@darienjames It takes me about a minute now to change weights now, so it isn't too bad. I also got a second bell, which makes things easier, but it was a major pain in the ass at first as it was 3+ minutes to change weights.
@kingdomkid304 I purchased a 16, 20 and 24kg to start. I am a large man, active but not lifted in years. Ended up getting an additional 16kg for cheap. So I use 16 for pair work, and after a few months have now used 20 and 24kg more frequently. Will likely purchase a 2nd 24kg for doubles for ABC and the like.
@kingdomkid304 I would suggest shelling out on a used 16 and 24kg bell. You will need the former to learn movements and the latter once you get into it. Adjustable bells are great for programs where you need one bell weight for all exercises, but it doesn't work that well if you need to use more than one bell size per session.