Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

@kellyanne Hmm, well if you know what exercises you can and can't do, then you should be able to modify a program to suit your restrictions, even if it's a bodyweight workout. Without knowing anything about herniated discs myself, I don't feel qualified to offer much more than that. But I'm guessing your doctor/physio would know what you can/can't do.
@dangtt1 You look lovely lady! I'm not sure if I've ever seem someone so skinny so muscular (if that makes sense)

I was just peeking at your blog, and /r/tefl has some useful information if you ever decide to take the plunge into teaching English (or just want some general info) :)
@dangtt1 Nice to see another example of prep sans crazy cardio and super low calories. You'll probably do well in NPC bikini, since their judging criteria seems to be geared towards the very lean look you have.

Personally, I think you look underweight and lack the kind of muscular development that I would expect to see on someone who trains heavy and enters physique competitions, but my opinion is irrelevant. If you can maintain this look healthily and happily, you should be very proud of your progress and achievement.

Best luck at your first show, and enjoy it!
@pwhite If you were in the same competition, how do you think you'd fair? (over v. underweight and other criteria used in fitness competitions that you're familiar with that other might not be so familiar with.)
@dawn16 I have too much upper-body muscle for bikini, so I probably wouldn't place well. That's why I do Figure.

Bikini is a weird division. The judging criteria at some local shows is basically who is the prettiest skinny chick with big boobs. This even happens at the national level, but the women who turn pro almost invariably have some muscle in their legs and back. The judging is still all over the place though. It's a little more consistent in the IFBB.

Great examples of a Bikini physique are Amanda Latona, India Paulino and Cristina Vujnich
@dangtt1 After a lot of hesitancy about starting to lift heavy, your transformation was what finally pushed me to give it a try. Turns out I love it! Thank you so much for sharing with us/showing us what is possible and good luck!
@dangtt1 Go for it! Terrific work so far and do report back to let us know how it goes :) I'm going a bit slower than you but I am keeping it in the back of my mind that I may compete in 1-2 years once my studies are done. Break a leg!
@dangtt1 You look phenomenal! I'm sure you'll do fantastically! Can't wait to hear about how you get on at the show!

I recently made the decision to compete (hopefully this time next year!) and I've got to admit that even though it is a long way away, I'm already nervous!

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