Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

@helenbarbara You realize that is less than 1lb a week, right? And that's actually a modest rate of weight loss, right? And that she's almost finished with it and will go back to weight gain after, right?

You should probably avoid talking about things you really don't know much about (e.g., her TDEE does take into account her lifting).
@dawn16 This is the fundamental problem with competing too early. No time to build a physique, so you just diet into one as best you can, believing the noob gains from lifting are progress, when in fact you're sabotaging your true potential.

The fact that she thinks she can build glutes in 12 weeks of "bulking" (e.g. eating at maintenance, if I know bikini coaching), and then diet down for another show perfectly demonstrates the short-term planning that plagues women's physique competitions.
@pwhite Please provide that perspective to the poster below me who thinks I'm just being a big meany and that I know nothing because I don't compete.
@dangtt1 So just help me understand... What is this competition judged on? Thinness or muscle definition or what? I'm just surprised that you've been at a 9 month deficit...
@dawn16 Bikini is a relatively new competition which means that judges are largely subjective in their choices of winners. They want lean, firm, soft bodies with big delts, thin waists, and huge round glutes. Unfortunately, I did not have the time to build the muscle many other girls who are active / seasoned competitors are coming in with, but this first show is more about me feeling comfortable on stage. In my next show, I hope to come in with a much more muscular physique.
@dangtt1 OK so I'm a little confused. Why are you eating at a deficit then? Wouldn't it have been more beneficial to switch to a surplus to gain some more muscle after your cut?
@dawn16 I did. I ate at a deficit to lose weight originally and then ate at a surplus for 12 weeks to build some muscle. Now I'm at the end of a 15 week cut.

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