Don't say you can't do it. 3 days out from my first show! [PROGRESS]

@mikljeni I don't think I need to eat at a calorie deficit as I'm not trying to lose weight (already 110lbs :|), done and done. I guess it just takes time.

Any specific exercises you would recommend?
@dawn16 Weight and bodyfat are two different things. If your abs aren't showing it's because your bodyfat isn't low enough for them to show. You can do all the crunches you want, nothings gonna be visible there unless your BF% is low enough. Abs are a weird group.
@dangtt1 I read your blog and I follow you on IG. I have been so inspired by you and I'm working to lean out myself by lifting heavy, doing minimal cardio, and eating healthy and not starving myself. I think it's incredible that you've made this journey in such a healthy and positive way and have shown everyone that you can get lean and be healthy.
@dangtt1 I looked at your blog, I couldn't really find your routine, what/how many reps of each do you do? Also, I saw in your first post you said 6 weeks of lifting, was the 6 wks total of exercise, like you looked like your original "before" picture prior to those 6 wks?
@kellyanne Read the title: Don't say you can't do it! Find a program you like, maybe hire a trainer for one session to show you proper form on all the lifts, and after that you can do the rest yourself!

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