Double c&p vs c&j


New member
What is the general consensus on which is better for strength and hypertrophy. More specifically does the higher volume with the jerks carry more benefit than the higher tension with the lighter press. Example: double clean and press with 16’s vs double clean and jerks with 20’s or 24’s.
@avnihsig I like C&J for acclimating to a weight before I can do a proper C&P. So, I’ll start a weight with C&J, work my way to push press, and then eventually work up to C&P. Also, I’ll some times use the push press/C&J to complete a set if I don’t think I can do it with C&P.
@jbrashier Agreed. You can jerk a weight before you can press it, and it is a great way to progress. If nothing else, mentally, it helps you have the confidence to get the heavy bells overhead. The first time I had 32s overhead it was intimidating.
@avnihsig A lot of the strong people on the sub seem to do both.

Anecdotally I think they are both effective depending on your goals. The clean and jerk definitely feels like more of a full body exercise though.
@jen1458 Agreed. If you're looking to bodybuild shoulders, the press, for sure. I think (my opinion) that they're much better for building shoulders than dumbbell or barbell presses. But for my workouts, I love the full body results I get from the jerks.
@johnv1968 Yea that's what I've found too, although my shoulders feel bigger from the clean and jerk also.

I'm not very strong or experienced in strength training though, so I wouldn't take my word as gospel.
@jen1458 Yes! the jerks will definitely hit the shoulders as well. But the press relies on them for a primary power source, whereas you should be using the lower body to drive the jerk. Like, to your earlier comment (which is why I posted underneath that) "depending on your goals": if the OP is trying for hypertrophy in the shoulders, I would suggest the press.
@avnihsig I like what a lot of these posters say, and that I would recommend incorporating both. Right now, I'm training sport style, with lots of sets and volume with 2 16s, sets and less volume (and longer rest) with 2 24s, and OAJerks with the 28.

Not knowing where you're at, I would offhand suggest a workout where you press the 16s and jerk the 20s. Or if you're a split guy, have one day that you do presses, and the corresponding day the next time through the split, you do jerks.