Easily get tired?


New member
Hello 32F, I've been having some issues with exercise since I was 26. I get super tired really easily, and even just 20 seconds of jumping jacks leaves me gasping for air. Is that normal?

I know they recommend 30 minutes of cardio, but my knees start burning after just 2 minutes on the elliptical. The only exercise I can handle is walking—I can walk for about 10 minutes, but even that's getting tough since I'm developing plantar fasciitis. I've been using compression socks to help with the pain.

Do you think there's any chance I can improve my endurance and start feeling better when I work out? Any tips or advice would be really appreciated. Thanks!

Here's what I have tried so far:


Vitamin B complex


Vitamin D

Vitamin C



Fish oil

Whey protein and creatine

Current stat:

76kg and 5’7ft
@isabella728xx If you’ve been sedentary for a long time, then it’s going to take some time to build up your stamina. Just do what you feel comfortable with and aim to increase each workout. I’d also suggest a checkup with a doctor to ensure there aren’t any other factors that could be causing this.
@guyfromni Seeing a doctor is great advice. My wife was feeling unusually fatigued for about a year. Bloodwork showed she was very low on testosterone so she was prescribed a small dose. She feels like her normal self again and wishes she had gone sooner for bloodwork.
@ikawumey2g9 I need that doctor. I've been seeing docs for fatigue for years and they keep telling me to take iron and/or D but never follow up to see if it's helping.

Spoiler alert

It's not...
@isabella728xx I would stick with walking for now, pushing the distance slowly over time.

Secondarily, I find that even being active, like my experience with cardio is not linear. The hardest part for me is in the first 10 minutes where it feels like my body is rejecting the idea entirely, and then it settles down and accepts that yes, we're doing this.
@lanman87 When jogging, the first mile sucks. But it’s really just the first half-mile.

Apparently, it has something to do g to do with your oxygen needs not being met by your cardiac output…until your heart rate gets up to speed.

OP - If you can walk for ten minutes, try to increase your walks by just one minute per day until you get up to 30 minutes. By the time you get up to 30 mins (3 weeks from now),you’ll be covering 1 to 1.5 miles.

Once you can do that, a few minutes on the elliptical will be more possible. With all things, start slow and add a little bit more each day. It’s not just your heart/lungs and muscles that need to build up, it’s also your tendons, and those don’t tell you they’re stressed until you’re injured.
@rayofhislight Quick update, I was able to walk more than 30 minutes, but feels like I can fall asleep anytime. I'll try again tomorrow see if it will get better. Then I will try elliptical again on Monday! Thank you !
@isabella728xx I want to make sure I interpreted that correctly - by the time you got to 26 years of age you started to get easily tired? Have you done blood work?

Putting that to the side. I don't know what your athletic history is but from what you're saying I'm guessing you've never very seriously exercised in your life, as in been a competitive athlete? I think sometimes people's pain thresholds - what they can take and recover from - is not calibrated quite yet. I'm saying that re: knee pain on the elliptical specifically, but, could of course be wrong.

Again now, putting all of that to the side and returning to cardio, I really suggest getting a heart rate monitor. It helps with your pacing. Look up the concept of zone 1, 2, 3 cardio. You want to back out a pace which keeps your heart at the same rate for a long period of time. That is how you build up stamina.

Also, good jumping jacks can be hard. Raising your arms above heart level can legitimately be difficult.

Good luck OP...
@nrg23 Your advice still lingers to me thank you Garret, I was able to progress from 15 wall push ups to 20, 3 sets. I am also trying to do squats and build strength first then try doing cardio again after a month.
@isabella728xx Jumping jacks can be an intense and also high impact exercise depending on what you are moving around and your fitness level. It sounds like you are starting too intense for yourself. Start small and light with the walking you mentioned. Are you using the right kind of shoes? You don't seem super heavy, but losing a small bit of weight could help.

Tbh if walking for 10 minutes is a struggle, and it seems you are not super heavy for your weight, you might want to see your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.
@isabella728xx first id suggest talking with your doctor. unless you are severly over weight, this is not normal and you could have an underlying medical condition. aside from that, there are supplements and pre-workouts you can try. let me know if you need any suggestions on supplements to try.