Easy ways to add protein to my diet?


New member
Hi y’all, I hope this kind of post is okay here.

I’ve been vegan for almost 3 years and while I’ve never felt healthier, I am hoping to gain more strength. A weightlifter friend was pointing out that no matter how much I work on my strength exercises if I don’t get more protein in to my daily diet I’ll never be able to gain strength the way I’d like. I’m hoping to get some advice. Thanks y’all!
@rubertnrubert I have been doing 180g+ of protein a day consistently on a ~3000kcal diet. Also notice I'm cheap as fuck. Most of my weekdays look like this:

Breakfast: 55g/750kcal = half a block of scrambled firm tofu + a cup of soy milk + (a P&J sandwich OR oatmeal with pb and dried fruits)

Lunch: 25g/500kcal = this varies too much but just eat a large volume

Snack: 15g/500kcal = trail mix + a fruit before workout

Dinner: 35g/700kcal = carbs + one large can of beans

+ 30g/100kcal = a large scoop of protein powder

This adds up to 160g/2550kcal, put the unavoidable snacks there and it becomes 180g/3000kcal.
@rubertnrubert This is how I get my protein.

Breakfast: kite hill Greek yogurt
Lunch: super firm high protein tofu w veggies
Dinner: something else protein based-beans, like protein pasta, beyond meat, more tofu.

Snacks: misfit protein bars

Gets me to ~120 grams a day

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