Europe & Asia Day Semi-final Weekend Discussion Thread

@grace4nan I'm not privy to more information than most on that topic.

I personally don't think Phil and RedPill are, in any way, are the right pick for top level athletes in the sport though. I don't think Sara and CrossFit are high enough on their priority list for her to have gotten what she needed either.

As for Sara's story with Annie, I think that's Sara's story with her peers and well... people. I've only heard rumours though, and never anything from a 100% credible second hand source or directly from Annie (I've never spoken at length with Sara), to count that story as 100% story.
@markymatt There's still a very slim chance (we've seen people make up 40 point deficits before) but it looks like any kind of hope of making the games just went up in flames in that event. No rep rope climbs are the worst kind of no reps. Once she failed her first one it was over.
@giftsigns That lady is on such an emotional roller coaster...

She almost didn't commit to TTT, then somehow visited them in Georgia after WZA then she raved about them, the community and the coaches. Then she left, changed coaches within TTT, then I guess at last WZA she competed on a team with Katelin Van Zyl.

"Sigmundsdottir says her partnership with LSKD started organically–when she forgot a shirt while competing at Wodapalooza in the winter, her teammate and LSKD team member Katelin Van Zyl lended her an LSKD top. She instantly fell in love with the clothes–with both their comfort and style–and was convinced by the end of the competition."

Katelin Van Zyl is coached by Cotler (and she didn't make the Games).
@jonjones229 Everyone talks about Laura Horvath's deficit HSPU, but her two worst events at the semi so far both involved running, is that something to be concerned about? I thought she is OK at running - she finished second in the Capitol event at the Games, so can't be that bad at running, but something here seems off.
@giftsigns I mean, I think she is decent at running. She got 23rd and 18th in the running/endurance events — which is still top ~third ish. I also wouldn’t be too concerned about Test 5 (the 800m run) — the difference between 18th (Laura) and 12th was only 5 seconds. Which isn’t nothing for an 800, but it could also be explained by having a slightly off day, comfort with the echo runner or w/e it’s called, etc.
@giftsigns I suppose what you can say is that Laura Horvath is perhaps not exceptional at the pure endurance movements. But she's still at worst decent, and at best very good.

However, she doesn't truly shine until the power and strength-related movements come into play, much like Gabriella Migala. That aspect typically comes into play during Games weekend, because there are so many days and variation in events. That's also when you see many athletes, that may have done quite well during regionals/semifinals, never make it out above top 25.

The Capitol during 2022 may have looked like a running test, but I see it as a test of odd implements with a running section between them. So it still played to both Laura Horvath's and Gabriela Migala's strengths.
@giftsigns Yeah, typically but I'm not too concerned. It didn't look like to me that she was really struggling, just not excelling like we are used to. Come the games I expect better but I think it just might be a case of not peaking for that right now.
@giftsigns Yeah, I wish I had a better sense or intel on what is happening. Tha Capitol can be tricky, it had two heavy implement components.

Maybe she did't peak for running? Or she got cought out by the sled lane?
@grace4nan Just checked some of the running events at the Games, and noticed that Laura finished 25th in the running part of the Shuttle to Overhead event. That's not too far from where Laura's at using her time for Test 5 in this semi and comparing it to the times of all likely qualifiers. (The Shuttle to Overhead is more similar to Test 4 though where they may not want to run too fast before they lift, so not sure how comparable that is).
@giftsigns I've said it a hundred times here: it is a fact that she is close to 15 lbs heavier than she was in 2018 (and I'm not at all sure if she is any stronger). That has to have some negative consequences and therefore it is still amazing that she can podium.
@jonjones229 Very impressed by Migala so far. Didn't expect her to be winning. Also, 3rd in the snatch and 2nd in the sprint? That's pretty remarkable

Similar thoughts on Freyova as well