Europe & Asia Day Semi-final Weekend Discussion Thread

@jonjones229 Migala super impressive. I was ridiculed in this sub a few years ago for suggesting she would surpass Haley Adams among the up and comers. Wow.

Tough to predict podium...too many contenders!
@dom77 She is far from complete so it's hard to assess her ceiling at the Games, but she was a tennis player before CF so she has an endurance base and she was not weak as Haley so it's not unjustified to think that she can go farther.
@jonjones229 Migala to win the Games?

She's been the most consistent so far including the NA East and West semis, all top 5 finishes apart from one test. Someone should recalculate the points based on the performances of all the qualifiers and see who comes out on top.
@giftsigns Dependent on programming. The requisite events where endurance sports play a factor, i.e. water, cycling, running, and maybe something else may put a damper on her performance.

Top 10 contender? Without a doubt.

Outright winner? Maybe. Competition is fierce and she doesn't have an edge in any particular discipline apart from power- and strength-based ones. But that edge is something she's not alone with.

I think what we can say for sure is that if either Laura Horvath or Gabriela Migala does well, the other one is most likely close behind. They are quite similar in terms of strengths and weaknesses, with Laura so far coming out on top.
@raviathon I think gabi and Laura are both definitely podium contenders and until recently have been grossly underrated

I’m not sure I can see her beating Laura though in games style programming since their strengths are very similar, but Laura has such a potential to utterly dominate some of the power based events.

I think programming is going to be so important this year. Imo the top contenders (horvath, migala, Lawson, Brandon) have such different skill sets that if there is a bias one way or another it could skew the podium a lot.

In any case I can’t see Laura not being fittest on earth 2023. Migala and Emma Lawson to round off the podium.
@raviathon She is actually a runner, otherwise true.

Edit: Laura is much better in upper pulling, she was a climber.

See last years:

"2014 Regional Event 5"

10 rounds for time:

1 legless rope climb, 15 ft

Run, 170 ft