Exercise progression

Hi guys. Is there any website or something where I can get a chart of how much weight I would be able to lift at different points of time considering I started with the usual 5kg dumbell.
For e.g. For bench press in Month 1 I would be able to lift x kg, 2nd month y kg and so on and similarly for different exercises.
I want to know this to get an idea of how much weight I can lift by end of 1 year and whether I am on track or not
@soikeoworldcupxemkeo Why make it so complicated? Why not just eat and lift bro? I don't think there's any app which can calculate how much one can lift!

And even if there is, it won't be accurate because there's so many factors which influence one's strength on a specific day. Sleep, food, water, stress, weather, fatigue, mental health, all these can make you lift insane weights or make you feel shit.
@soikeoworldcupxemkeo This is hard to predict due to how different everyone's genetic response to training is. I was severely demotivated when i started off because i read that you should be able to bench press 2 plates within a year of training, and i was barely doing 1 plate by then!

A general standard i believe is to be able to bench 1x+ BW bench, 1.5x Squat, and 2x DL within the first few years of training.
@soikeoworldcupxemkeo That's not possible to track.

But generally it is said that after a year you should be able to lift 80% of your bw in bench press, 100% of your bw in squats, around 120-150% of your bw in deadlift. Of course, these numbers are not widely agreed.

I would just suggest to lift using planned progression principle.
@grandma2 Squats i havent tried much as i dont have a spotter. I train alone.
With respect to deadlift, there are so many back exercises that are there that i feel like its okay if i skip it.
I know i am not doing right by skipping these, but its just that the general trainer doesnt ask me to do those so I also dont take initiative to do them.
Hope i am not losing out on the newbie gains coz of this.

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