I can only think of one exercise that has entirely changed my life- the Hindu Squat

@1haroldl too funny. wait until you get to my age and you'll be thinking that even 40 is still spring chicken days.

btw, I have been doing 500 standard free squats (not Hindu) every two days. Going to start the Hindu today. Thanks for your insight.
@dawn16 The Hindu Squat I do 500 of in about 20 min with no more than 45-90 second rest if I need it. Nice deep knee bends with a varied breathing pattern become methodical with enough time and now are more of a meditation than a challenging workout. It’s truly improved my life and overall well-being!

Today’s another Sunday for the 500 Hindu Squat Church of Gama challenge if you wanna follow along on YT!
@1haroldl I did hindu push ups hindu squats and neck bridging for years, built up to 500 in both exercises and a 10 minute neck bridge, getting back into them now, made me strong as an one on the mats (jiu-jitsu ) and the power is repeatable unlike conventional weight training, did them first thing in the morning, regulated my sleep patterns once I were doing them 5 plus days a week
@1haroldl for me doing this many reps is overkill and becomes more of an endurance/cardio routine. I just do 5 sets of 25 with 35 seconds in between and this does for me. I do that 3 days on and one day off.
@1haroldl Sometimes I forget I'm not ENTIRELY subscribed to women-oriented subreddits so I was like "wow OP isn't gonna try bragging about how the 500 squats helped them in childbirth?" But even more impressive to keep up the repetitive squats WITHOUT a labor and delivery goal to work towards
@michael75065 Can you squat "normally" and not hurt your knees?

If no, you need to build up your conditioning and flexibility.

The Hindu is more dynamic and flowing than a conventional squat; as noted the knees usually go over the toes which isn't nearly as bad as conventional wisdom would have you believe.
@brittswns96 I've seen a lot lately about knees over toes, and I've been training that way for a couple months now. I think it's important to start with no added weight, and if you have knee pain in that case, start with assisted squats. Whatever exercise you do, it should not be painful.

Walking backwards up a hill is one of my recent favorites for beefing up knee support muscles.
@michael75065 Doing these has actually helped my knees massively, at first they were a little creaky and weak I couldn’t even manage 10 but just work up slowly adding more over time and soon you’ll find your knees are working better than ever.

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