Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights


New member
It'd be cool to see what like 5+ years of lifting will do for a woman!

Also, age, years trained, bw, height, programs used, nutrition, or whatever else would be neat to see.
@frbrian I've been lifting for over a year. I'm 32 years old, 5'6" and about 146lbs. I've been recomping for the past 9 months or so, but I'm about to start a bulk so I can get closer to the top end of the 72kg USAPL weight class. I just had my second meet the other day, where I hit some PRs, so my current 1RMs are...

Bench: 57.5kg (126.7lbs) - I've hit 127.5lbs in the gym before, but either way, I have such a poverty bench.
Squat: 115kg (253.5lbs)
Deadlift: 152.5kg (336.2lbs)
@frbrian I've been lifting about a year [the last 2 months I've been taking it more seriously]

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 145 lbs

Bench: 70

Deadlift: 140

Squat: 150

It doesn't seem like much, but my fitness was TERRIBLE when I first started. My lifts were 30/35/45 when I began a year ago. Yay progress!
@frbrian Been lifting seriously for about 8 months. I'm also curious to see if there's anyone who's lifted 5+ years that's as small as me, and what her progress has looked like. I'm 4'10" and weigh about 100lb (fluctuate between 95lb and 105lb and notice no difference in strength).

Bench: 80lb (based on recently 75lb for 3)

Squat: 130lb (based on recently 90lb for 14, and I tested my 1rm 4 months ago and it was 120lb, and I've most definitely gotten stronger.)

Deadlift: 175lb (actual 1rm tested in late June)

Calculated using: https://strengthlevel.com/one-rep-max-calculator

Not sure about the quality of these numbers ahah. I still feel like I'm using baby weights :p
@frbrian Yeah I get discouraged a lot when I train with friends who weigh minimum 120-130, because they can move so much more than me. But if you actually compare % of bodyweight moved, it's almost identical. Seeing some ladies hitting 200lb squats in a year and I'm just sitting here like "okay........ why am I so tiny???" :p
@frbrian Lifting for 2-3 years, 23, 170 lbs

Squat: 200 lbs x2
Bench: 150 lbs
Deadlift: 235 lbs

I hired the owner at my gym to write me programs and he is a genius! Before him i benched around 115, squatted around 95 and pulled around 145.

Nutrition is nothing to write home about...😳
@frbrian I'm 32, 5' 8", 145lbs (65kg) and have been lifting for roughly 2-3 years although only consistently this year; I changed to a 4 day split end of July & reintroduced deadlifts which I've been avoiding. My lifts:

Squat: 225lb/102.5kg

Deadlift: 198lb/90kg

Bench: 88lb/40kg

I used stronglifts (5 x 5) as a base which I built on with additional warm-ups and accessory lifts, and use progressive overload to get me heavier (gradually add more reps each week until I can increase weight).

I'm currently in the end stages of a cut with Renaissance Periodization. I'm hoping that once I drop into maintenance my bench will improve because it's not going anywhere at the minute :(
@frbrian I've been lifting for exactly a year, with the first 6-7 months in a deficit and screwed over by several injuries, sadly, so progress has been slow, but here are my numbers:

Bench: 52.5kg/115lbs for 3

Squat: 85kg/187lbs for a clean and a grindy one

Dealdift: 95kg/210lbs for 2-3

OHP: before wrist injury I got 40kg/88lbs for 2, now I work with lighter weights (~35kg) but more volume

For reference, I'm 5'7/66kg and 22 years old and while I've been lifting only for a year, I've been doing sports since my school days, martial arts from 16-20 and starting at 20-onwards gymnastics.
@frbrian Get on your hands. I think the only reason I was able to get a decent OHP after only introducing that lif in December was because I spend a lot of times on my hands (handstands, handsprings, giant swings, etc.) due to my sport. It's a really tough lift.
@frbrian Lifting on and off for years, consistently for the last three, and heavy for about one. Age 34, weight 169 lbs. Bench is 100 lbs for 3, squat is 135 lbs for 5, and deadlift is 185 lbs for at least one. We haven’t tested it, but I could almost certainly DL 200+. I’ve also been eating in a deficit the entire time I’ve been lifting heavy, which has definitely slowed my progresss.
@godislove19933 So how did you lift before this year? Like bodybuilding hypertrophy stuff or very light dumbell movements or?

You're going to have so much fun lifting once you get done cutting. Good job for sticking to it for that long!
@1fish It's been really interesting to me how many lifters seem to have one much higher lift.

You're bench is like my long term lifting goal. 😍
@frbrian Most lifters don't realize that they have a "favorite lift". That one tends to grow faster as a result. I love deadlifts. And hate squats. I am forcing my self to work squats as much as I work deadlifts to bring it up
@1fish Yup. I bench with absolute glee and am always slipping at least a few sets in to my workouts even if it's not scheduled so it's no suprose to ne that my bench is more impressive than my other stuff.