Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

@wdcstaffserv Thanks for this!

But do those seem reasonable to you? I've been lifting just under a year (10 months to be precise) and I can do at least the intermediate category in all the lifts I do. Just curious what the people here do anyways.
@frbrian They seem reasonable. I've been doing crossfit for around 2 years total and now I'm doing weights for like few months and I'm between novice and intermediate in most. Keep in mind that some people don't train for strenght per se and that a lot of people do not attempts 1RM and calculating it meh (my actual 1rm are usually higher than predicted values from 5rm or 8rm), also people with better results are more likely to post.
Bench 40kg/Squat 50kgx5+pause at the bottom (so 1rm could be 60 or it could be 70, who knows?), Deadlift 75kg (but i did it when i weighted a bit more).
@wdcstaffserv If anything it seems to me there's just a really wide spread range in terms of what people are lifting. Which makes a lot of sense in terms of how different everybody's age/ prior fitness/ seriousness of training/ nutrition all are.

Interesting your 1 RM are higher than expected, mine tend to be lower and I had thought that would be true for most women. Because we can generally do more reps closer to our true 1 RM than men can.
@frbrian It think the general statement still applies (that women can do more reps close to 1rm than men), but it doesn't say much about individual, like I for example hate high intensity long training (like crossfit) and I trive with lower reps and more rest.

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