Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

@frbrian I'm 38, have been lifting for four years, 18 months seriously. Lifts are 1RM.

Bodyweight: roughly 140-145lbs

Height: 5'7

Bench: 150.7

Deadlift: 236.5

Squat: 205.7
@frbrian I’ve been lifting for six years. I previously was running 5/3/1 and I got to 110/200/270 lbs. Then I had a few years in there where I was battling chronic pain and backed off my lifts previously seriously. I am just finishing up running NSuns for a couple of months and I’m currently at 100x3(trying for 105 tomorrow!)/200x2/250x3. I haven’t tested my 1RM.

I’m 34, 5’10”, and 160lbs. I think I need to bulk if I’m going to get better numbers. I want to compete in the spring. My background is as a dancer, so switching over to powerlifting was a whole thing.

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