F/34 5’2 (on a good day); 229>154=75 lbs. GW: 125. I am DONE with ill-fitting clothing!


New member
After years of shopping at plus size stores and plus size sections of department stores, I am sick of walking out with clothes I don’t really like, sleeves that are 6 inches too long, and hems that are meant for someone 5 inches taller than me. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for stores and brands that offer a plus size selection. They bailed me out many times when I was desperate to fit into anything for a professional meeting or needed a dress for a wedding. I have cried many tears of frustration, hating how I looked, never being able to find anything that fit me, never being able to find something I actually liked. I’ve not liked my clothes enough or cared about how I looked enough to get sleeves hemmed. I didn’t have choices, I bought whatever fit, no matter how ill -fitting. I’ve bought so many things I didn’t like and that fit me poorly out of last minute desperation.

But I’m DONE. I have CHOICES. Never again am I buying something because it’s the only thing in the store I can squeeze into. Never again am I buying something with a trunk so long I have the dreaded bubble in the back but I have to deal with it because its the only thing that fits my hips. If it doesn’t come in a petite, I’ll keep looking. If the sleeves are too long, it’s going to the tailor. And most importantly, if I don’t like the color, if I don’t like the ruffles or the print or the neckline, if I don’t think it’s flattering, I’M NOT BUYING IT because I don’t have to.

mic drop
@rodite Wow, congrats! That weight loss is amazing, especially for a short girl. Clothes do so much for confidence and how we carry ourselves, I'm so happy you can finally fully enjoy fashion and be picky with what you choose to invest in!
@dawnhammer “Invest” is the word - this journey has not been cheap! Invest in healthy foods, pre-chopped vegetables, tracking tools. Invest in gym memberships, workout classes, and home exercise equipment when a global pandemic hits. Invest in work clothes, gym clothes, winter clothes, summer clothes, bras and panties. Invest your money, your time, your energy, your mental bandwidth, and your vulnerability.

I’ve replaced my entire wardrobe a couple times over. I’ll be starting over this winter because nothing I bought last year will fit. It’s worth every penny and I’d spend the money/time/energy all over again.
@rodite Congratulations on the weight loss great job!

My Husband who is 6'2 introduced me to the tailor your clothes idea, he's really good with sewing taking in the too long or letting out seems too tight.
Lol he's got the sleeves too short problem while I have the pants are to long problem I am 5'2.
Safety pins in just the right place can do wonders for ill fitting clothes as well.
@rodite Congrats! Do you have tips that helped you when you first started or when you would hit a plateau? I'm working out at home, but am limited with what I have and eating better. There are just some days where I feel like I lack motivation, so if you have tips on dealing with those days that would be greatly appreciated. (Also your workouts if you can). Thanks!
@anonymous162900 Getting started is the hardest part. Your confidence is low, your vulnerability is high, and everything seems hard. For me personally, the only thing that really motivates me is progress. In the very beginning, just try to soldier through long enough to see a little progress and build some momentum. If you are weighing in once a week, commit to that week. If you're weighing in every day, just push through until 1 pound becomes 3 pounds becomes 5 pounds. You have to be in the right head space to do it - you have to decide that you want it. I used to say, I'll start after this weekend, or after this party or my birthday or whatever. It was when I got to the place where I couldn't wait one more day to get started is when things clicked for me.

I have a few tips for a plateau, but they all boil down to the same thing - change things up. If you've been really strict, try eating a larger meal or two (maybe higher in fat content) and then getting right back to it. If you've been less strict about watching your food, recommit to tracking all calories or macros or whatever method you are using. Change up your exercise routine. If you've been lifting weights go for a long walk - on an incline if you have access to a treadmill. Try an elliptical...you get the picture. Like I said, just change things up.

I was very overweight and very out of shape when I got started. I started on the elliptical (15-20 mins, whatever I could stand) and then would do light weight lifting. Over time I gradually increased the resistance on the elliptical one notch at a time and would do my best to maintain speed. I started adding in occasional hour long walks on the treadmill on an incline. This was actually in preparation for a hike I wanted to do, but it really helped and kept me active on days when I was sore from weight lifting, so I added it to the regular mix. I got more serious with the weights and eventually got mentally exhausted with trying to put together proper weight exercises/rotations/etc. At that point, I joined Orangetheory. I had a lot of anxiety going in that I wouldn't be able to do it, but that was all in my head. It's tough, no doubt, but the biggest benefit was just being able to show up and someone else told me what to do for both cardio and resistance training. That was a game changer for me. Since COVID, I have been doing Orangetheory at home workouts (they post them daily), light jogging, and long walks with my husband and dog.

The biggest thing I did...I tracked everything. Food, workouts, everything. I tracked details of how many minutes I did at what resistance on the elliptical, how long I walked at what incline, if I worked upper body/lower body, etc, the food I ate and my daily weight. I have always kept a journal so this was a natural way for me to decompress every night, reflect on how I did that day and mentally reset if I needed to. I'm not perfect, not even close. I've still got a way to go to reach my goal, but for the first time, it feels achievable. Best of luck
@rodite Thank you so much for this message! It has helped me so much because it really addressed some of the things I've been doing wrong - especially not tracking carefully. I've made excuses to not track certain days or skip weighing in, especially if I knew I didn't eat my best. Thank you thank you thank you! I'm going to keep this message to read again because it's the kick-in-the-ass I need when I'm struggling haha
@anonymous162900 You’re so welcome! It definitely takes discipline. I’ve noticed people hit plateaus when they skip measuring/tracking fruit, condiments, cooking oils, salad dressings. I’ve seen lots of articles shared about the science behind why you might hit a plateau when you start a new or dramatically increase the intensity of your workouts. Be mentally prepared for these things, trust the process and give it some time. In the same breath, if something isn’t working, change it up! I believe in you, AVN!