M 5'11'' movement transformation from 165 lbs to 183 lbs

@troybreighton The knee pain came from skateboarding a lot (before I knew how to skate switch). It used to be excruciating though it has died down a lot since then. When I went to the therapist to get it checked out I was told there is nothing damaged, just my muscles on one side were way stronger than on the other and gave me a poor posture.

I'm fairly certain the shoulder pain is coming from leaning on my arm constantly when sitting on my sofa. I think the way I was sleeping was contributing to the pain, as well, because ever since I started sleeping on my back it started to die down as well.

All of the pain is bearable and if anything it is more of discomfort than pain but it keeps me from doing the things I really enjoy for fear of causing more complications.

Not sure if this is the kind of information you need to make the decision to share your knowledge..also I don't want to pressure you or anything.
@cantgetright69 Okay. The best advice I can give here is that you can do any exercise for your shoulder that doesn't cause pain. Whether it is for the deltoid, rotator cuff or the scapulas. Start with light weights and good control. Every now and then try the things that you actually wanted to do and see if it goes any better to know if the exercises have really worked.
@troybreighton Can we have more material??
I.e. cheat sheet , workout plan , more info on your diet ( macro etc...)
And yes Horny Shit ♡_♡
Edit - damn some AC btw no homo brah ;)
@dawn16 I did tons of different stuff but what really made the biggest difference was all-round strengthening for my hamstrings and adductors. Because of weakness on these areas my glutes and TFL were really tight and in pain and this also caused some major lower back pain.
@troybreighton I have a knee pain on my right leg when I run a long distance. I may feel a list disturbance once in a whole doing normal activities but the pain only appears when running for several minutes. It then lingers and make any movement difficult.

Doctor took X-rays and said it's because I lack flexibility. While it's true (and I'm trying to improve the flexibility in my hamstrings), I thin there might be more to it.

Could you share some insight on how one learns to fix his body ?
@troybreighton hey thanks man! I was wondering about these movement training exercises but could only find a few. you have a bunch. so how did you become an expert in fixing yourself? did you read books or watch videos or what?
@troybreighton Hey man. Just wanted to say, your videos are really good! I suffered from costochondritis for months and scoured the internet for info and experiences; the stretches and movements that you demonstrated helped immensely!! Thanks again!