Fatigue and muscle soreness


New member
I’ve been on my program for about two months I’ve worked out in the past.

I weigh 5,9 185Lbs, 28 years old. I’m not a professional athlete just a normal guy.

I’ve been experiencing some fatigue, and muscle soreness going into some workouts. I feel good some days where other days I can’t seem to get going, and don’t feel fresh at all. Particularly my legs feel very sore from walking/standing all day at work is there anything I can do. I’ve also hit a strength plateau, and haven’t seen any growth

I workout four days per/week one on one off. Sometimes that isn’t enough rest but I feel like working out any less would be counter productive. Each workout has a 10 minute warm up

I’m eating very healthy and fasting 6pm to 11am at about 2650kcal/per day 165-185g protein. I’m training to trim abit of fat right now because I’m around 18%BF

Day 1
Bench SA Kettle bell press up 3x10
Laying external rotation 3x10
Bench 3x5 Wk1 80% - 85% 1RM 10Lbs 4x5 Wk2
Incline Press 3x12
Dips 3x12
Scapula retraction 3x10 (Stretch)
SA row mid back 3x12
Hammer curls 3x10

Day 2
SL box squat 3x10
Squat 3x5 wk1
4x5 wk2
Glute Bridge 3x10
Quad extension SL 4x12
Lateral band walk 3x10
Calve raises 2x40

Hammer curls 3xfail

Day 3

External cable pull 6x10sec hold
Laying external rotation 3x10
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x8

Shoulder lateral raise 3x12
Rear delt flys 3x10
Skull crusher 3x10
W’s 3x10
T’s 3x10
Preacher curls 3x10

Day 4
Conventional DL 3x5
Reverse sled drag 3x45sec
ROM DL 3x10
Hamstring Curls 3x12
Pull ups 3x8
Calve raises 3x20

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