High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

@zoelifeme Yeah
Only reason I do arnold split is bcoz

I am no where near lifting as heavy as him

And I need to increase strength and once I achieved a certain level, I go back to training form and balance and slowly increasing weights and reducing sets and excercise
@kendraw What’s the post about, like a confirmation about what not to do?

Like you did 31 sets of direct front delt work one one of two shoulder days? So presumably 62 sets of direct front delt a week, add in all your other pressing that hirs front delts, I’d imagine you’d be at like 100 sets a week or more of front delt work.

Just get on a reasonable program.
@vaden30 Yes I wanted to confirm and reviews

I personally feel like I need to this much volume and frequency to see some gains

I wasted quite a time before with bro splits,
I wanna hit every muscle twice a week
@kendraw Bro split is fine, 2x a week isn’t “better”. You can look at the research if you want. It’s certainly not better if you are just doing an insane amount of volume.

Like front delt work for hitting them 2x a week would be like 2-3 sets of some shoulder press variations on two different days. 4-6 direct sets of front delt work is pretty fine, you’ll be hitting them with all your chest presses. Honestly lots of people just skip direct front delt work.

But I assume the rest of your program has equally crazy volume. Just drop the sets down to like 10 sets a week per body part and see what that gets you. If your lifts are progressing, it’s working. Add volume if you think you need it.

But really in terms of what’s important it’s like consistency > intensity > form > volume.

Get consistent with lifting, then get the intensity down going as close to failure as you can. Make sure your form is good for “bodybuilding” style training. Then just make sure it’s a reasonable volume.
@kendraw You’re literally experiencing the negative consequences of this kind of volume and still think you need this much? You should really put some more thought into that.

Hitting everything twice a week is great. Hitting everything twice a week with this kind of volume is completely unnecessary, and in your case obviously detrimental.
@prestonz I need this
This is fastest and best program to build muscle old school Arnold's split

But now my body can't recover

I need to put alot of effort to loose fat and gain muscle at the same time
@kendraw So you're doing an extremely challenging, volume heavy program that was developed for one of the best conditioned bodybuilders of all time, then you didn't eat for over 24 hrs, and now you're upset that you're overtrained? I'm sorry if I'm interpreting your post incorrectly, but if I'm understanding what you're saying, this is the dumbest fucking thing I've read all week. If you're pushing your absolute limits you need to fucking eat and sleep. Calories need to be in at least a small surplus every day, not occasionally/when you feel like it. This is not a cutting routine, and you damn sure cannot be doing 24+ hr fasts while running it.
@kendraw Ridiculous volume. I do Arnold split with 3 days on 1 day rest. To give you an idea of how insane your volume is compared to mine:

Torso day:

2-3 sets of a chest press variation

2-3 sets of a chest fly variation
2-3 sets of a vertical pull
2-3 sets of a horizontal pull

2-3 sets of abs

Arm day:

3-4 sets of an overhead press variation
2-3 sets of a bicep curl
2-3 sets of another bicep curl
2-3 sets of a tricep exercise
2-3 sets of another tricep exercise


2-3 sets of a squat movement

2-3 sets of leg extensions

2-3 sets of leg curl

1-2 sets of a hip hinge

3-4 sets of calves

I can finish those workouts in an hour or so. 3 hours for a workout is insane. I’m not detailing this to suggest you do exactly this, but to show that your volumes are so beyond what’s typical.
@lia1234 This is great. I’d just say to replace OHP with lateral raise variation. Front delts got worked with chest press and chest fly 1 day before. If you want more front delts do a high incline press or low to high chest fly.
@mm1992 You’re totally right. I simplified this for the purposes of the comment. I actually alternate between barbell OHP and lateral raises for that slot. Mostly because I just really enjoy OHP and want to improve at it. For a while I exclusively did lateral raises in that slot for the reason you mentioned.

Always nice to get another set of eyes on my routine, glad you think it looks ok the right track at least :)
@lia1234 For sure. I’ve been doing this split for like 2 years and made insane gains even as an advanced lifter 16+yrs. Specifically in the arms and delts. I usually just do cable/db/machine lateral raises and delts are bigger than ever.
@kendraw My friend, Arnold was notorious for taking absurd amounts of steroids even compared to the other people he competed with for the Olympia title. He needed the roids to recover from that crazy workload. On top of that he only ran the type of program you posted for maybe a month at a time and at that point he'd already been lifting for a long time. Take a week off, come back with 1/3 the exercises and half the sets. Add a rest day or two after you've gone through the whole body so now it's closer to 5 days per week. You're doing WAY too much. Way, way too much. If you have to purposely sleep with your joints in a specific position because of your training you're fucking up badly. You want to stimulate muscle growth and coax fat loss. You can't just slam into a brick wall over and over again and expect not to get injured. That's basically what you're doing with your training right now. Please dude, cut the volume down and be more reasonable.
@garwo123 Thank you for caring
, I will take rest day tomorrow and reduce volume

I only reason I feel like I should be doing or atleast trying this routine is too increase strength and build endurance
And once I maximize strength then focus on form and cutting