High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

@kendraw Dude take 2 weeks off, seriously

You don't understand how much you should invest into recovery. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Meanwhile you are making negative progress I'm having the best gains in my life.

You are already fucked needing serious rest to catch-up and you thinking one day is going to fix it.

Dude everyone is telling you, everything you are doing is wrong. I'm telling you again, you are not a snow flake. Not seeing progress after a few months is likely because you are doing something seriously wrong and is not about not doing enough.

More work doesn't mean more gains.
Smarter work means more gains.
@kendraw Try 3 days a week full body and focus getting stronger on right exercises and eating bigger. Volume can be used as tool but intensity and training quality is more important when it comes to making gains.
@unkabenz Yeah full body seems right for beginners

But at 21 age, I feel like I need to hit two muscle groups at the same day with more frequency to see some gains like in arnold routine
@unkabenz I can bb bench press 22.3 kg each side 8reps

12.5kg db curl alt, 12 reps each arm

Shoulder bb press 17.5kg 12-8reps

Db shoulder press 20kg each hand, 12rep

Deadlift 32kg each side, 12-15

Tbar row 35 kg 12-15

Bent over rows 17.5kg 15 reps

Tricep pushdown almost full stack 8-12 reps

, incline db press 20kg 8-12 rep

I think these is my max strength right now

But at the same time I am peak test, I am a fresh 21
My autoimmune disorder won't let me recovery

, my immune system doesn't heal my body , it attacks it

I am fighting against myself
@kendraw Alright so I would highly recommend basic full body training program as you still should be able to progress in strength fast at that level. Training too much is bad especially if you have AID. I personally train twice a week and able to maintain my muscle and strength well after lifting for +20 years.

If you want to gain muscle you need to make sure your bodyweight is moving up as well. Good luck
@heartfire You can match the volume that you were doing with split routine doing full body if wanted. The thing is you dont need to do as much since each exercise will be trained with higher intensity as the muscle being trained is fresh on the session
@unkabenz Matching the volume brings more fatigue

You can train a PPL, bro split, etc etc with high intensity too. You just don’t have to worry about hitting chest then biceps then hamstrings all in one day
@heartfire Lets say you have 3 exercises for chest and instead of doing them all in 1 session you will be doing them in 3 different days. This will usually lead to better strength gains which can lead to better muscle gains as well.

If there is too much fatique simply program more rest / less volume.
@rapp I do but not as much when I hoped on arnold split

Also I don't feel enough with bro splits, , the pump goes away in 30min

My capacity is much higher
Esp at 21age, you don't fear anything
@kendraw I do the Arnold split but not with the same volume. You need to decrease the volume.
My version of the Arnold split is:
Day 1: Chest (8-10 sets) and back(8-10)
Day 2: Quads(6-8 sets) , hamstrings(6-8 sets), calves 4 sets and abs 4 sets
Day 3: shoulders(9 sets), triceps(6 sets), biceps(6 sets)
Day 4: rest

I’m making gains fast and not feeling much fatigue
@brianp24 Just wish I had your maturity

When I think I am do less with high intensity this time, then I get insecure and start to do hit every excercise know there for each muscle group bcoz I feel it's not enough for me personaly

Good luck
@kendraw You can hit each muscle group twice per week with way, way, way less volume than this. You are clearly overtraining and your body cannot handle anywhere near this amount of stimulus. If you want to grow and not injure yourself, cut your volume down massively