High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

@kendraw My personal experience with this.

I’ve always used the Arnold split for my lifting. It always gave me issues with my back hurting and joints feeling not great.

This year, I switched to a push pull routine and it has
been amazing.

I have zero body pain (except for being sore), no back pain and I look better than I have in years.

I believe the primary culprit was the high volume in the Arnold split.
@jefftucker I see
Even his excercise are a bit rough
Performing incline and flat bb bench press and bentover rows and t bar rows performed in the same session will eat up most of energy and will cause elbow and back pain

But I guess it's important to go through these for fast muscle growth and fat loss
@kendraw I’m not sure what your body type is like so I can’t speak to this. With me, I’ve always been a bit bulky but have to watch the calories.

For muscle growth, you gotta eat for the gains and also lift a good amount.

Once your diet is on point it’s crazy how your body reacts.
@jefftucker I been thinking about smuggling beef from Pakistan/Punjab border Or travelling to Bangladesh to get some protein

Indian substitute of beef is water buffalo, super hard rubbery meat that need long slow cooking to actually be eatable

Maybe I am trying going to kashmir

Otherwise I have gnc whey protein 2lbs
And creatine
My pre workout is finished now, I used to have a fruit punch gnc powder

I eat chicken breast, and buffalo biryani (indian muslim rice with meat dish) and sometimes mutton
And milk and cereal etc

Before my energy crash, this Saturday and Sunday I literally starved myself for the whole day and started eating on Monday morning and chicken breast before going to gym

That may have been a reason too
@kendraw Oh damn! Ok I see what you’re working with here.

I’m Hispanic and lived in Mexico for a while. It was hard getting the right supplies.

Jello: this is a great way to get creatine, jello is made from bone which contains creatine.

Do you have access to fresh cow milk? Whey protein is the top layer of the milk. You can make this yourself from milk.

Carbs: rice is your friend, eat as much as you can to bulk up.

Protein: this will be your main challenge.
@kendraw Just reread your post, I think you’re being a bit hard on yourself.

You are comparing yourself to this western idea of lifting and strength. Everyone you see on Instagram is on some kind of gear. There’s very small amounts of influencers who are natty.

In terms of strength, I consider myself a bit bigger than most people but I’m weak AF. My max on bench is like 2 45’s per side. My working set is 135 Lbs at 10X per set.

I’m not an expert here so take what I say with a grain of salt. You say you’re skinny fat, I think you have 2 choices here. You either eat a shit load to gain muscle, or cut, be at a deficit and lean out. I don’t think you can do both at the same time.

Either one you pick, it’s going to take time, and also strict control of your food.
@jefftucker I am focused on increasing strength and build a base rn, so bulking is more important for some months, but defi very hard cutting after that

Other jacked guy at my gym have this wide shoulded with wide waist type stocky body type like powerlifters, I hate that

I want bround shoulder but lean waist and lats
And flat chest and abs
@kendraw JFC this is too much volume. No wonder you can’t recover. In general if you can’t recover, the volume is too high. In this case the volume is so insanely high that you’re destroying your joints and tendons.

Please scale this back by like 1/2 and then add back in exercises after a few weeks based on your recovery/soreness. If you’re waking up at night in pain, you are going too hard. If you’re sore more than 48 hours afterward, you’re going too hard.
@karinda Thanks man
I will get tested professionally to make sure

I had licenoid reaction after I took alot of medicine for my fever when I couldn't digest food for a week
Now I still have acne that never goes away and hair loss and random energy crashes
@kendraw Take time off 1week , restart Mon and Thurs chest back compound movement = 2days rest 3days rest 5-12sets back chest total super set one min each keep records of rest periods 1-2 min ( as for other body parts adjust as necessary. Remember to eat after workout and again within 2hours!!

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