Feeling like I don't look like I workout

@hendricks62 Have you looked at your body without your face? When I see my reflection in a mirror/window where my head's cut off, I don't perceive the reflection as myself and am often surprised by how much better I judge myself. It's like looking at someone else, or how others see me. If you haven't tried it, do!
@hendricks62 I feel like when I’m in workout gear, I look like I workout lol. Compression leggings that emphasize my butt and tuck in my tummy make me feel super confident. Sports bras that hold in my large chest make me feel smaller. Tank tops that show off my toned back and shoulders make me look strong.

But when I wear regular clothes I feel like a regular old semi-fit, semi-fat person...regular bras that show how big my chest really is, jeans that seem to only show my quads and not my butt, and tops that hide my shoulders do nothing for my confidence

Good thing it’s corona and I mostly only wear workout gear anyway these days!
@hendricks62 Well, here’s the thing, changes in appearance can happen quite slowly, and you might have higher standards that you’re trying to strive for. But someone who hasn’t seen you every day would probably notice changes a lot more than you would. Like when my extended family goes on vacation to the beach and all of a sudden my shoulders are bigger/more defined than last year. You might have a skewed picture of your progress because you’re only ever seeing the day-to-day changes. And then you’re comparing your worst angles to the best versions people post of themselves on social media. It’s really a losing battle.

Progress pics are useful, but it doesn’t help that people often struggle with body image, even with them. That’s why I like to focus on what my body can do versus what it looks like or what I weigh. Looking more toned is just a side benefit of being healthier and stronger for me.
@hendricks62 what does “looks like i work out” mean to you personally? that might help us figure out what kind of aesthetic you’re after.

and what does your typical routine look like? if you’re lifting low reps and heavy weight for strength, your muscles might get decently strong and in shape without building a lot of mass that will give the “fit” look. the instagram fitness girls are all doing a ton of hypertrophy work (especially lower body), lifting at relatively lower weights for much higher reps to prioritize mass over strength. as a result i think strength-focused lifters can look deceptively “less fit” (by society’s standards). you likely already know this so i hope i don’t sound condescending!

and then of course there’s diet. it’s totally possible that losing body fat could reveal some extra muscle definition underneath, but of course it’s all about what feels healthy and right for you ❤️
@hendricks62 I am significantly shorter than you and weigh a full 35 lbs more, putting me solidly in the obese BMI. I work out almost every day and definitely look NOTHING like I work out, like if you saw me on the street you'd see a chubby 40 something mom. I completed a 100 mile bike ride a few months ago and was running and playing tag my kid that evening. Squatted while holding my 150 lb spouse the other day with what felt like no effort (about to go back to the gym for barbell lifting starting today and I'm thrilled). So by objective measures I'd say I'm strong and have great endurance, but by no means look like I work out. I am mostly comfortable with the fact that I look like exactly like what I am: a person who is no longer young, enjoys food, and works out regularly.
@ravenousrider I tried to squat my son a few weeks ago and almost fell. My knees started to buckle and I had to nope out of the squat. He’s a teenager and taller and weighs more than me. Not sure what I was thinking except that I was stronger than I actually am.
@hendricks62 I am 5’9 and 145, I feel like I don’t look like I work out either. I am slender, but I work out 5x a week, mostly strength training. I feel like I should have very defined muscles on the day to day. I managed to do a successful cut one time and I did see all those muscles, but eating like that just isn’t worth it to me. Even now, I eat REALLY “clean”, like 6oz of lean protein, 6oz green veggie, 100-150g of rice 4 times a day plus a shake, and I don’t have the definition I want. It’s not worth cutting out the 2-3x a week random snacking I do. I wonder how much of it is discipline or genetics for these Instagram folks.
@hendricks62 I run nSuns as well, and I think you should take into consideration that it’s very high volume and purely strength focused. It’s more of a powerlifting program vs bodybuilding, so you might not be targeting certain muscle groups as you would bodybuilding with accessories and higher reps. Maybe try running a bodybuilding program for ~9 weeks! Cutting would help too, but you’ll probs lose some strength for a bit. Your OHP is very impressive!