First day in 9 years

54 YO, male. Current weight: 270. 5'11". Goal: 200 to 210.

Today was my first day back in the gym after 9 years. After doing 5 minutes of cardio I laid down on the bench press and got a cramp in my hamstring! I could only survive 10 minutes of cardio after lifting and said to hell with it. This is such a huge change from where I was. Before I stopped going to the gym, I was working out with a trainer 3 to 4 days a week an hour at a time, and doing 30 min of cardio 3 to 4 days a week. With the trainer we were doing a 3 day split: Day 1 Chest/back. Day 2 Legs. Day 3 Arms/shoulders. If there was a day 4, it was a full body workout after a day of rest. I'm starting this routine again, but on my own. Unsure if I'll get a trainer again.

Before I joined a gym again I wanted to get my diet in check. That's done. Diet is on point again.

Supplements: Before, I was taking creatine, protein powder, a good multi-vitamin (Orange Triad anyone?), fish oil (Orange Oximega?), and a pre-workout (Whiteflood, C4, etc...). I read regularly but didn't really post much (WTH happened to that place? Is it still a great place or order supplements from? They used to be one of the best).

I know the supplement industry changes over time. What are some good current supplements? Specifically protein. I used to like Trutein and would occasionally get Optimum Nutrition. Is creatine and pre-workout supps ok for over 50?

Looking forward to feeling better and looking better and improved self-esteem. Not to mention decreasing the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc... as I age. This getting older business sucks.
@jnpaapaamoakoheneameyaw Hey, welcome back! Ya know, baby steps are still steps! My guess? Your muscle memory and cardio will snap back in a matter of weeks, not months, if you keep at it. I’m a huge fan of creatine now, based on this

And this:

Good luck!
@jnpaapaamoakoheneameyaw As a CPT and CNC/WLS…my advice is to start SLOW and small. Start with a walk - 15 minutes a day. Yes, daily. SLOWLY build to 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day, at minimum over week. More if you enjoy it. Strength training. Start with a 3 day a week full body. Push/Pull/Hinge. Google is your friend. If you want something simple, join up with Tom Venuto at burnthefatfeedthemuscle dot com and join his inner circle - it’s cheap and he gives you EVERYTHING from meal planning to specific workouts for beginners. Supplements…creatine and a good multivitamin. You don’t even need Creatine when just getting started, in fact I;d wait for 6-12 months till you have good habits and a solid program under your belt. If you have more questions, DM me and I’ll be happy to help.
@liz869802 You don't think this is any good? Day 1: Chest/Back, Day 2: Legs, Day 3 Rest Day/cardio Day 4: Arms/Shoulders. Days 5 (optional) light full body. This is what I did before with a trainer and I really liked it and saw good results.

And of course, cardio on all 5 of those days.