Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

@vypr Thx for the advice. Yesterday I did a good long stretch with 3min holds and today they feel really great so the next few days are going to be full rest or active rest with stretching and maybe some light cardio 1 day (recumbent bike) then Monday I’m coming back with a much lighter routine and see how everything feels :)
@acco340 I feel like a shill for Big PT sometimes lol, but if you have it in your budget, or if a gym you like offers it as part of the membership (our local council gyms do this), getting a qualified trainer to discuss your goals with you and help you draw up a program, as well as show you how to do each move and check your form especially on lifts, is extremely worth it IMO. Just make sure you’re clear and firm on what you need and on what fits your lifestyle. If you find a good trainer it can be lifechanging, honestly!

ETA our council gyms (at least used to) offer members an introductory induction and program for like 4 weeks and I think free follow ups every 4 weeks or so. It’s been a few years since I’ve been (I have a private PT now who I see once a week and he programs for me) but it was really useful when I was getting back into fitness after a break a few years ago 😊
@acco340 I strive for 5 days a week of lifting and 3 days of at least 20 minutes cardio (can even be a fast walk!) because my goal is to build muscle. Enough food, especially protein, is important and I make sure I’m getting enough of it to make gains especially in the glute region. I highly recommend going light on the cardio and heavy in the weight lifting. Stretching as often as possible is great but realistically I do it like 1x a week and I’m not happy with that!
@acco340 I hate exercise. Hate it. I finally figured out a plan that works for me:
1. Everyday walk the dog 2 miles.
2. Day 1 is cardio (swim, run, kickboxing, dance, etc.)
3. Day 2 is strength (rotating target areas)
4. Day 3 is rest (stretching, light yoga, sauna, casual relaxing swim, etc.)
@acco340 Hard yoga class three days a week, plus teach a couple of classes per week. Walk or jog every other day.

It's super simple, but I'm fit and strong. The yoga keeps me pretty strong and mobile, and both support cardio to a point where I can complete a 10k run pretty much year round.

Most importantly, both things noticibly prevent my mental health deteriorating.

Just throwing in a very different routine to the mix!
@acco340 I work out 4-5 x a week, dumbbells only. 5-35 lbs and kettlebells up to 40. If I do the full five, then it's Legs, glues/hamstrings, back/biceps, chest/triceps, and full body. My cardio is daily walks with my dog. Workouts are typically 40 mins or I'll go all out for 20. Good form and time under tension has made a huge difference for me.

My knees can get sore if I'm lifting too heavy. You can try decreasing the weight and incorporating more rest days. If your knees are swollen, you can ice, but I wouldn't use it if they are stiff. Perhaps cut back on high impact activities for a bit (jumping, running).
@acco340 Sorry, late to the party.

We're soon getting out of lockdown here and I'm itching to get back to my regular routine again! My typical week this skating season has looked like:

Monday: AM - upper body (15-45 min); PM - HIIT/bodyweight sport specific class (30 min), figure skating (60+ min)

Tuesday: PM - barre/beginner ballet class (30 min), figure skating (60+ min)

Wednesday: AM - deadlifts and posterior chain (15-45 min)

Thursday: PM - coaching learn-to-skate (120 min)

Friday: AM - squats and plyo (15-45 min)

Weekend: "live my fitness" aka hikes, long walks, outdoor skating for fun with my sister or spouse, whatever strikes my fancy.
@acco340 Your post inspired me. I used to have a weekly routine but my whole life got shaken up a few months ago. I'm trying to get back to it in the midst of winter! I was really tired and wasn't planning to work out today. But I read your post and said, you know what, I gotta do it. I don't have to give it 100 percent but I gotta put in the time to build the habit and get my strength back. So I did!! 20 min core, 20 min legs, and some stretching afterwards.
@acco340 My friends and coworkers call me fit, I call myself lazy. But I workout twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, and work a fairly demanding job Friday to Monday (massage therapist, hand/grip heavy work). I focus mainly on the big lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press), and throw in the accessory lifts to target specific muscles instead of groups. I don’t do cardio. Because I hate it. However my next routine is incorporating a 30 minute treadmill walk to get blood moving. I try to leave Wednesday as a do nothing day, a forced non work/workout day. I don’t do splits, just full body. So I don’t sit or walk down stairs properly ever.
@acco340 I only do exercises I truly love or that help me do the ones I love. For me, that’s cycling! I love going to new places and don’t particularly care about speed, so I go on long rides around every weekend (3-5 hours). During the week when I have less time, I alternate days with running (again, I don’t really care about being fast, just getting out there. Currently doing the Couch to 5K program which is 30 mins 3x a week) or barbell training with the Stronglifts 5x5 program (which is 60-ish mins 2-3 times a week, makes going up hills way easier!). Also will go on random walks to restaurants if I want to eat out. I try to get enough protein but am not militant about it.

I was really sedentary until around September, and when I first started it was a lot of effort to exercise. Now, I’m excited to go home and work out! If I don’t feel like cycling or running or whatever my original plan was, I’ll do whatever sounds fun. If I feel like I’ve overworked my body, I’ll just go on a walk or do yoga or something. It’s not the best method for systematically improving weight/time/distance but it’s what really works for me!
@acco340 I work out on Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday because it works best with my class schedule. I also do ab bodyweight exercises and/or stomach vacuums on off days when I have time.
@acco340 My winter and summer routines look quite different because I race bikes during the summer, thus I don’t spend much time in the gym.

For the winter my average week consists of 5 hour-long bootcamp-style/functional workouts. These include Orange Theory, a local bootcamp, or making up my own (mine are always the hardest!). I run anywhere from 1-3 miles around lunch time. I ride my bike 6-7 days a week, either on the trainer or outside for about 1 hour.

On the weekends I don’t lift and instead either ride my bike for 3-5 hours or go for a long run (7-14 miles).

On days where I’m feeling a little low-energy, I will go to heated yoga for an hour, then do a long walk/ go to the climbing gym for an hour.

According to Apple Health, I am exercising an average of 3.25 hours a day.
@acco340 I *aim* to work out seven days a week, but that doesn't always happen. Turns out I got more injured than I thought when I was hiking in May 2021, so now (and until I'm cleared to workout post surgery in March -- so cleared in May this year; surgeon has cleared me to workout with a modified plan through then) I'm really focusing on honoring my fatigue. If I'm tired, I rest. If I'm not, I follow the following schedule -- and supplement on one or two days with barbell lifting.

Sunday: Run

Monday: Solidcore

Tuesday: Run

Wednesday: Row

Thursday: Row

Friday: Run

Saturday: Swim or lift
@acco340 I spend about 20 hours a week working out, because of my job. It's about 30 miles of running, four hours of yoga, three hours of lifting, and some accessory and recovery work. This is what's sustainable for me as I age.

M lift legs and recovery

Tu run, yoga, bodyweight exercises

W short run, lift upper body

Th longer easy run, power yoga, stretch

F easy yoga, short run

S long tempo run, stretch

Su easy easy run or cross train, yin yoga or hot tub
@acco340 Monday-Full body weights (heavy)
Tuesday-cardio or HIIT
Wednesday- upper body (heavy)
Thursday- cardio or HITT/LISS
Friday-Legs (heavy)
Saturday- outdoor activities or jump rope or something else active an fun if I have time