@acco340 So, basically my overall weekly volume is very similar to what it sounds like you're trying to do, but I arrange it differently and I haven't jumped into it so quickly.
I run in the morning four days a week (MWFSa) and have been running for years. Saturday is my long run. It equals about 20 mpw total. On two of those days (MW) I have recently started to lift in the evening, full body compound lifts, 3 exercises 5x5, both workouts have squats. Takes about 60-90 minutes total but you know, a lot of that is rest time or shuffling weights around. I don't always fail the weight but always working near the top of my ability. The mornings after those days (TR) I do gentle yoga to stretch. On Friday evenings I do a core strength yoga video, no major leg involvement and it's a lot easier than my lifting workouts but a bit of an abdominal supplement to them.
My logic is "hard days hard, easy days easy." I get a day of full rest for my legs after every hard day. My logic is also that running is my priority. My lifting would progress faster if I did it 3x a week, but then I'd have to do a workout the day before, on, or after my long run and at least one of them would likely suffer.
I think hopping straight to cardio AND strength in significant volume from a sedentary lifestyle is your biggest problem here. I would also suggest combining your workouts or doing 2 a days so that you can have longer turnaround periods of full rest might be a better way of handling this volume, even when you're in good shape, rather than hitting your legs every day.
I did nothing but run for a long time, and even that I only did about 10 mpw for some years. Then I started growing that to 20 or 30. Got injured and set back, took up strength training as a means to prevent further injuries but started with just bodyweight exercises for runners. After a few months when it became a habit but kind of boring I started a program with actual weights. Obviously my goals are different from yours, but I think the step by step progress is a key lesson, I got here in at least 4 steps, not all at once.