Fitness is a bit lonely

@rangoooo It was definitely so much higher. I’ve cut it out for about two months, and I cannot handle anything! Also, my diet is pretty clean right now too. I’m focused on getting protein and staying in my calorie limit. As a result I’m not eating a lot of fat or carbs. I wonder if that impacts absorption or anything too. But, it’s one of my favorite changes I’ve made! It feels so good to not feel bad all the time :)
@rang Not sure how old you are but I’m almost 30 with friends going into our 30s and of our group of 10~ only about 3 of us drink now - a lot of people begin to prioritise health and sleep as you get older. There are a lot of social non-drinks activities out there - you can join a hiking group for example, or groups that do other social active activities. Or you could suggest those kinds of things to your current friendship group! Would they do an activity day every once in a while - something active like bouldering, or fun but less impact like archery?
@youngmaleinsearchoffaith You can track in Chronometer! But I have an excel spreadsheet with body fat and weight and my goal weight and body fat. I’ve integrated my progress pics too so I can pull it up and remind myself that all my hard work is paying off.
@rang I don't think I could motivate myself if I was working out at home. I will rarely work on harder yoga asanas at home, but usually just to build up strength deficits outside of class in a way that wouldn't work in a class.

I also appreciate that I can much more easily weather a night out. I think they it sounds like your personal transformation is taking precedence right now and that you're working on overall wellness and both mental and physical fitness. For you that means not engaging in alcohol centric social activity or late nights out. There's nothing boring about that.

Initially my fitness journey was pretty spartan and disciplined but over time I've begun to explore the spiritual aspects of yoga and it's allowed me to approach life with much more...ease I guess. It's nice, it feels less like restriction and punishment and more like indulgence which is positive for me given my history with ED