Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

@hillsong2014 Love this! What a great use of the extra time. I typically plan to get to the gym ahead of whoever I'm lifting with to get cardio in anyway. I swear I burn so many more calories after starting with cardio and getting my heart pumping. I love just zoning out on the stair stepper to a podcast. This is a great routine to be in. Good for you! You should never have to waste your time waiting around on other people to do something good for yourself :) Congratulations on the 7lbs too!
@hillsong2014 And frankly you're going to meet whatever fitness goals you're working towards much faster than she is. So rock on and eventually she'll realize she needs to show up or she's going to get left in the fitness dust.
@soulresin I have a few friends who are chronically late for our get togethers and I'm a very punctual person. Now I always remind them to text me right when they're leaving their home so that I'm not sitting around waiting.
@hillsong2014 One of the best pieces of advice I ever ran into on Reddit was "Money comes and goes. Time... just goes." Two thumbs up for using that time to hit some goals instead of being irritated!
@hillsong2014 This is so good. My supposed gym buddy is also a massive flake so I just go myself (which I honestly prefer). But now she feels like I’m being passive aggressive by not waiting for her, which, eat my shorts Hannah.

Congrats on all your great work. Sounds like you’re killing it.
@anthem40 I wouldn’t workout as hard in a pair. Group fitness classes are different cos there’s an atmosphere of motivation (or there should be) but the gym is for lonesome exercising imo
@hillsong2014 I stopped trying to take my SO and bestie when I realized it was all for me anyways. You are in there to benefit yourself, make it time for you! Not anyone else. I also like just not having to keep a schedule ha.
@hillsong2014 This is great - good for you! I really struggle with confrontation so understand where you're coming from. I also sometimes catch myself sitting around and waiting for others, almost as if I'm waiting for permission to do something? And I'm always like "why am i like this" haha so this is a good reminder to move past that :)
@hillsong2014 This is wonderful! Love this story. I had a similar experience recently. A friend and I were planning to go out for dinner but they got sick so they had to bail. My first reaction was “too bad I didn’t bring my yoga mat, I could’ve gone to a class!” Then I realized, I could still go home and grab my stuff and make it to class! So I did that. Totally changed my perspective on going according to plan.
@iomlk23 100% this. I keep a full set of workout stuff at my desk just in case a friend flakes on post-work plans or a late meeting gets cancelled. Missed too many workouts due to this when I was starting out and learned my lesson.
@iomlk23 Lol this is me when I have a tinder date/date with some f*ckboi who flakes. Might as well get a good workout in and do something awesome for myself. Then when they text me what I'm doing I'm just like "busy at the gym".