Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

@hillsong2014 I had a friend come over from outta town last weekend. I needed to work out on one of the days she was here in order to stay on track with my weightlifting program, but I was so afraid to tell her or bring up the topic. I fought through it anyway and told her I would do it early in the AM while she slept in, and she actually wanted to come with! So we rolled up together and smashed an amazing workout!!

I have issues with confrontation too, so congrats to you for standing up for urself and respecting your own damn time. It’s amazing what kind of things happen in our lives if we just speak up :)
@cahlil I feel you! I have a Vegas trip coming up with my mom and I feel like such a burden to tell her I’ll be exercising and showering each morning before we can start our day, but after reading this I realize she’d probably be more than happy to join me. Thanks!
@hillsong2014 I’ve trained on my own for the longest time for this reason. I have a constantly changing schedule since I’m a student so when I lift it can either be when everyone’s still asleep in their beds or it can be when they’re in class. Also, there’s just no benefits to lifting with someone else since I enjoy listening to music.
@hillsong2014 This is why I joined the gym in the first place; my friend asked me to join so we could go together! She joined me exactly once but I just kept on going. 3 years later and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been!