From runner to strength training - 9 month progress - 115lbs to 125 lbs (5"4)

@ninalove13 What helped me me most was simply people watching at the gym. I’d take note of what other people were doing, go home and google it, and then try it the next day. It helped to see actual people working out instead of curated Instagram posts.
@ryanmrozek Thanks for the podcast recommendation! I'm trying to get me and my partner fit as fiddles again, though we both have athletic builds we are lacking time for the gym. You look great and I'm sure this will help inspire her as well! Thank you
@f41thful1 Definitely listen to Mindpump! I'm sure they're not for everyone, but once you get used to their personality and the shows rhythm, it's like listening to three of your buds. Best of luck with your partner!
@ryanmrozek You've done so much good work! It makes me so happy to see how much better you're doing mentally. I'm a similar size (5'4" and 120 lb) and new to weight lifting and still where you were with being unwilling to eat a ton of calories.

How long are your workouts? Also, if you don't mind, do you have before/after measurements? And how much can you lift for bench press / squats / deadlift? Sorry for a lot of questions, I just want to know what could be possible for me to achieve in a few months of eating more with weight lifting
@marty65 Thank you!

Workouts are 30-40 minutes. I don't have the time to stay longer but I definitely hustle. I don't scroll through Instagram or Spotify. I don't text anyone. I just go. I try and do 6 different exercises with 4 sets each,... but that totally varies. Right now I love doing the big 4 on Sundays. That workout looks like this:

6x5 Deadlift

6x5 Bench Press

6x5 Overhead Press

6x5 Squat

That killsssss me takes me 45 minutes. But that's the longest you'll get me in a gym.

I've never done 1repMAX, but I can tell you where I'm at with my progressive overload. Right now these are my lifts:

Bench press: 50lbs

Squats: 80lbs

Deadlift: 110lbs

I have NO idea if those are good numbers, but I started out just squatting the 20lb bar. That's how I'm measuring my progress. Hopefully that helps!! You can do it girl!! Our bodies are capable of so so much!
@ryanmrozek As a runner who was almost (well, more than almost) 100% devastated by injury this summer, this is so inspiring!

But also, I am so proud of you for all of this personal growth. Thank you so much for sharing and I wish you all the best in your continued journey!! You are rocking and I am sure you are headed for great things in life!
@ryanmrozek Awesome work! I’m pretty much in the same “before” picture. Even though you look fantastic in both, the reflection piece in the second makes your journey that much more relatable and inspiring to hear. Cheers!
@ryanmrozek My og fitness person is Natasha @nourishednatasha! She has gone through a lot and I've been following her for years. She's been focusing on mental health and self love lately. She's a yoga instructor, personal trainer, health coach, certified nutritionist.. She's got a lot going on lol but I love what she posts too
@ryanmrozek Girl that’s amazing! Seriously words can’t describe how heartwarming your story and transformation is, the word “amazing” doesn’t even do you justice :) I needed to read this today, you’ve inspired me and I’m sure many others!