From runner to strength training - 9 month progress - 115lbs to 125 lbs (5"4)

@ryanmrozek I clicked on this post just to see what kind of difference strength training could make, and ended up totally immersed and inspired by your story. I grew up dancing, but I haven’t done any kind of regulated workouts in ages. I went to college near the mountains and found so much comfort in them. I moved to a new city a couple months ago and there’s TON of hiking trails around here. You’ve inspired me to fall in love with the mountains (and myself) again.
@ryanmrozek I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! Breaking the mindset of exercising to LOOK a certain way vs. exercising to FEEL a certain way is a HUGE accomplishment!

All of the personal goals that you have been able to accomplish are amazing! I LOVE seeing women who have a personal "reawakening" through their relationship with their own self!

On top of that, you look incredible! But what I think is most important is how your relationship with yourself transformed - good job stranger!
@canook182 SO true. In fact, you articulated something I hadn't realized before. I am the most satisfied with my physique than I ever have been, and yet I think about it less than ever before. Thats a testament to just feeling inline with my body in all capacities.

Thank you for the encouragement and support girl!!
@ryanmrozek You look amazing! I just put running on the backburner after an injury/wanting to increase strength and build muscle and your transformation is really inspiring. Keep it pushing girl! 💪🏽
@coldnorth I got hit hard with plantar fasciitis and thought my exercise regimen would be doomed without running - but it turns out that weight training is very satisfying and there are ALWAYS new things to try at the gym. I still hope to get over the PF but it’s been a blessing in disguise.
@coldnorth Thank you so much onion! Giving up running made me feel like I'd go stir crazy with anxiety but weight lifting has given me a much more clear mind! Best of luck with healing from your injury.

PS: your cat is freaking adorable.

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