Gained 6 kg but don’t see any noticeable progress


New member
I’m almost 16 now, male 5’9 and 76kg (167lbs)

Since the end of September, I started running the GZCLP program, I’m now done with 12 weeks and have gained 6kg (13lbs) since. I don’t see any noticeable muscle gains, not even fat. My body seems pretty much the same as before. My weights increased in the gym but not that much (e.g squats from around 60kg 1RM to 3x85kg, but bench from 50kg 1RM to 3x60kg, edit: but I may have assessed my 1RM wrongly and could’ve done more).

I was weighing myself with the same scale all the time. So Is it really possible that my fat and muscle increased in the same amount so it didn’t seem different? I ofc am growing and increased in height, is it possible that the most weight I gained is from 2 inches in height??
@dawn16 Haven’t measured anything except my biceps and that was couple of month ago and didn’t write it down. But would consider that, especially in the start of the next year, would measure that and check every now and then.

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