0.7g of protein per pound or less. Have you gained muscle?

@ramy6et I've stopped tracking calories and macros entirely. I make sure to eat plenty of legumes and add some powdered peanut butter to my oatmeal and smoothies but I don't obsess over it. I don't notice any difference from when I was tracking to make sure I got 0.7g/lb.
@ramy6et I too was worried last year getting under 100g protein at 216-185lbs but I certainly have gained muscle and even in a decent deficit. I do plan to up my protein when I get back to maintenance calories in hopes of more gains but nothing like what is usually pushed by the fitness scene.
@ramy6et I never weighed my food exactly or counted macros, but I am very confident in saying that I gained a lot of muscle with no more than 1.5g/kg of constant protein intake. I do think I tend to gain muscle easier than the average guy though.
@ramy6et I just go for 100 grams or more per day. If I get more or less I don’t stress it. I find that the more I worry and stress about my protein intake the less and less I stick with my food plan.
@ramy6et Love all the comments. I agree. I usually eat around 100g per day (this is considered low for me i'm around 230lbs and muscular). When I start eating more protein (150-170 grams) is when I go on a drastic cut. I usually gain muscle mass as well but i'm pretty sure it's because I work out harder on a cut. I take it out on the gym because i'm hungry and angry lol.

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