@missymckibben Yes, I try to eat as much as I possibly can and that's it haha. Every morning I drink a shake with:
1 banana
Blueberries & raspberries
One spoon of olive oil
One big spoon of peanut butter
Two spoons of Chia seeds
Sunflower seeds
400 ml Milk (3% fat)
I don't live on the US so I don't use cups etc but if you wanna know the exact amounts send me a PM! Also I will add Whey protein powder to the shake once I order some!
And on top of that I try to just eat a lot of rice, potatoes and pasta and I use extra olive oil for every meal I make and in-between meals I snack on peanut butter sandwiches and bananas!
And sometimes I buy like gainomax drinks with extra protein to drink post-workout, anything with a lot of protein!
I am a bit noob when it comes to working out/gaining weight so I might not be doing it the most optimal way but this works for me so I'ma stick with it! I'm not much of a breakfast guy which is why I prefer the shake because it's fast and tastes okay and I can drink it on my way to work!
Edit: I also want to add that you could probably drink two shakes a day or eat two big meals a day, the reason I don't is because I honestly can't afford it. Food here is quite expensive and
especially nuts and fruits so I'm already pushing my monthly food budget just by buying bananas and sunflower seeds..